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24 | Phone Calls and Indirect Confessions

"Hello, I am Kim Taehee of EJS. I am here reporting to you live about the true murderer of Woo Moondeok, Lee Kwonbi, and Moon Ilhyun. Behind me we are at Oh Youngwon's house, the police taking custody of him not too long ago. We saw that Kim Taehyung was nowhere near the sights of the murders when they happened-- he was either working or with his friends when their death occurred, seen with the CCTV footage right now. Youngwon's motives of his killing are unknown, but he has confessed to the police that he did kill those three people. Because of this shocking development, this proves that Kim Taehyung--my brother-- has been proven innocent. His death was because of a grave error and the loss of him can never be replaced in my heart. I hope that all of you can find the love in your heart to send your messages to him because that would mean the world to me.
This is Kim Taehee of EJS, signing off.

Wonwoo feels his heart crumple as he sits on the couch, not bothering to open the curtains or turn on the TV. Light barely passes through the fabric, leaving the room dim. He already heard the news-- it was trending all over his Twitter.

"Why am I always wrong?", he mutters, gritting his teeth as he tugs onto his dark locks. "Why is everything so messed up?", he spits, choking on his own words. He stands up, walking over to the kitchen and grabs a water bottle.


Wonwoo hears the door shut, rustling coming from the front as soft footsteps walk on the wooden floors.

"Welcome home, Taehee", he tries to sound alright, sound fine as he walks into the hall.
Even though he's breaking inside every time he sees her.

It's all my fault.

Taehee shakes her head, glaring at him before brushing past him, not caring about him one bit.

"Why did you pull out of the contract?", Wonwoo asks, grabbing onto her wrist without facing her.
"Why should I face the man that led my brother to commit suicide?", she responds coldly. Wonwoo sighs, brushing away the small tears falling from his eyes and turns around.

"I didn't know...but please don't go", he croaks out, his lips quivering. "Where would you go afterwards? What your about your mom? If you stay, she could live here if you want. I could find a bigger penthouse so she could stay with us. We could even move to the country side if you want! I'd do anything but please...stay with me for a little longer", he begs, his heart beating against his chest.

"But don't you think we should part our own ways? I don't want to stay in the same place where I'll be swarmed with people, having to stay in a place with only bad memories", Taehee says bluntly and turns around, gritting her teeth. "That's why I decided we should part ways so we could finish our stories. I'm moving to back to the US with my grandmother and you go back to your life"

"But I don't want to. I want to live it with you", he gulps, trying to fight his tears. "I want to live out my story with you by my side forever"

"Does it look like I want to spend it with you?"

Her words cut through Wonwoo's heart like a sharp blade running across paper. He curls one of his hands to a fist, a tear slipping from his eye.

"Spend it with someone who wants you. You said you're in love with Minyoung and she loves you back. There's no one stopping you so you can date her, marry her even without anyone in the way", Taehee responds, not budging. "Think about me pulling out of the contract a good thing for the both of us. I won't be hurting and you wouldn't have to see my face ever again"

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