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17 | Twenty-Four

Eunha sighs, sitting on the couch all by herself as she turns on the TV.

She's alone on Christmas Eve aka the evening before her birthday.

"I knew that it was all too good to be true. He left without saying anything", she mutters bitterly. Wonwoo left her without saying anything for almost a week and her sending the staff off to their families for the holidays, she was left all alone in a giant penthouse. Eunha sighs sadly, slumping into the couch.

"How sad is that? I-I'm alone on Christmas E-Eve", she hiccups, her cheeks red. Her arms are slung around someone's neck as he carries her.
"How many drinks did you have?", he asks, his breath visible in the cold air.
"Six and a half, cutie", she giggles, clearly drunk. "And w-where are we going? Back to your place?"
She hears the boy sigh, shaking his head. "No, we're going back to Wonwoo's place. This is Seungcheol, Eunha."
"Oooh, hi Seungcheol", she giggles again, resting her head on his back happily.
"I'm never letting you near drinks"
"Why? It t-takes away all o-of my problems"

"Seungcheol", Eunha murmurs, clearly still sleeping. "Are you still there?"
She hears movement in front of her, a soft grunt leaving his lips as he's on his knees.
"Where were you?", he asks softly.
"I was out...out drinking", she replies tiredly.
"Why? I thought you hated drinking?"

"I do", she hiccups. "But it help with the pain"
"What pain? Are you hurting?"

Eunha nods slowly, wincing. "My heart. I-It hurts"
"Is someone hurting your heart?", he asks, pain present in his voice as he takes her hand softly. She nods again.
"M-My fiancé...he left me. He ran away without telling me and it hurts. He doesn't even love me", she mumbles. "He left me alone on Christmas a-and my birthday"
"He did, didn't he", he says in front of her sadly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. Eunha nods, scrunching her face.

"He did and it hurts...it hurts a lot. It hurts knowing that he doesn't love me...he loves another girl", a tear slips her closes eyes, landing on the couch. "He doesn't love me...he doesn't love me even though I'm trying", she hiccups, still asleep. The boy stays silent, wiping her tears away from her face.
"But it's fine...it's good that he left", she whispers, falling back into her deep sleep.

"And why is that?", he asks.

"Because I think I'm in love with him...", she murmurs. "But I don't want to fall for him anymore...", is the last thing she says before drifting back into slumber.


Eunha wakes up in her bed, noticing that she's still in the same red sweater she was in yesterday as her head ringing with noise.

"Hangover", she moans, holding her heavy head in her hands. "I'm never gonna drink again", she puts on her slippers, lazily walking down the stairs. She smells chocolate coming from the kitchen, wondering why is smells like that as she walks into the room. She notices a plate of chocolate waffles with powdered sugar on top of it, strawberries on the side with hot chocolate as the drink. "Where did this come from?", she asks, becoming more alert. Eunha walks over to the table, noticing a small white post-it note next to it and picks it up.

"'Turn...around'?", she tilts her head, confused. Eunha does as read, turning around slowly.

"Merry Christmas"
"And happy birthday"

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