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I love making stories for you guys but I have a ton of work to do and studies. But here is a part most have been waiting for and for a good 3 years? Yes siirr.

(Y/N)'s POV:
I speed run my way outside to see if Mephiles or Silver will come with the cake by now.
~~~~~~time skip for 19 minutes~~~~~~~
THERE IS NOBODY HERE YET, I panic internally cuz the cake competition starts in less than 10 minutes.
I wait and wait; 2 minutes has passed, I wait more another minute has passes. GOD DAMMIT WHAT ARE THOSE FUCKING IDIOTS DOING?!
"UGH!!! WHERE ARE THEY!? They should be here by now! *ping!* it's your phone *you check what it could be*
Mephiles: Hey, the cake is on it's way, so get your ass ready to receive it.
Me: Dam, nice to know you care bout my ass than the cake.
Me: Ik, Ik, just please hurry, i need it soon.
Mephiles: K (again, wak doesn't give shits).
*you close your phone up and wait again*
And wait.
And wait.
And more waiting.
More POV:
BUT THEY TEXTED ME! 8 MINUTES PASSED, I ONLY HAVE 3 MORE MINUTES!!! *then you notice an uber* Maybe i can take the uber and see what those bozos are going. *you open the door of the uber (even tho you ain't ask for one bru) and a huge pretty cake pops out (small enough to fit in uber)*.
WHAT THE FUCK, IS THIS CAKE GON KIDNAP ME?! *then Silver pops out* Oh, him.
Silver: Oh, hi (y/n). Came here as soon as i could, we decided on taking an Uber, since the cake would've ended up a mess on our way with me trying to keep up with Mephiles and my telekinesis. Sorry took a while, cars aren't as fast as him.
Y/N: Hm, and where is Mephiles anyway?
Silver: oh yea about him, he stayed home, not sure what's up with him.
Y/N: i have to scold him or sum, and you too, for both of you fuckers eating the cake i made for the competition today, HOW DID YOU GUYS NOT SEE THE NOTE IN THE FRIDGE!?
*announcement: Please get ready for the cake competition to start ladies and gentlemen*
Y/N: Ho fuck, LETS GO WHORE.
Uber driver: AHEM! How about pay me first for the ride and getting your special cake here safely.
Y/N: Oh shoot, sorry *pays the driver and then he leaves after the bag is secured (monie)*
~~~~~time skip again for 2 min, you guys wasted a minute speaking outside, what dumbasses~~~~~~~~~~
3rd person POV:
(Y/N) makes it to the room where the competition starts, with Silver behind grabbing the cake with telekinesis. (Y/N) asks Silver to place the cake on one of the long tables placed to make a giant C. But fuck, (Y/N) for got to fill a form that signifies she is part of the competition, which (Y/N) eventually does fill it out in under 1 minute and turns it in by putting the paper under in between the stack of papers (secretly and sneaky) so that they don't suspect that you didn't do shit til now.
Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the cake competition! As you see, we have invited you all to join, but we also have a dilemma. We asked you guys to make baked goods for today, but we were such idiots, we forgot you guys can slide anything "different" inside the cakes. So we brought in Jr., Maximus, and Esther. They are 3 dogs that will smell for any kinds of drugs, poisonous substances, and anything disgusting. So, if you want to quit and not get arrested for carrying "weed" as you kids call it now, i'm being nice and giving you guys a chance to leave and not get arrested.
*11 students stood up and left, 5 were part of the competition and threw away their cakes away*
Announcer: Alright, that's all for now? If not go now, if yes, we shall continue this competition!
(Y/N): oh boy, didn't expect for this and this many people.
Silver: I expect the people, but not the dogs, they are just so cute and floofy.
*you guys walk towards a seat in the theater and wait for your name to be called*
(Y/N): Also, Silver, how did you know there was going to be so many people? You never went here, so how the actual fuck will you know?
Silver: Well because the paper for the cake competition says the reward would be a 15k scholarship of the university or college you'd like and a 100$ gift card for Jason's Deli.
Some kids at the back: SHHHHHH!
(Y/N): Oh sorry *in a soft tone and a bit lowered* So Silver, how the fuck, did you get that?
Silver: Oh the updated website of this school. Here *hands y/n his phone which she takes and scrolls to see if what Silver says is true*
(Y/N): So, first place winner gets a 15k scholarship, 100$ gift card, and 1 free semester of the college they'd like to be in for that semester, hm pretty weird and amazing win. Now 2nd place winner gets a 5k scholarship and a 40$ gift card for starbarks, not much and 3rd place, just a 40$ gift card while 4th place gets a 25$ gift card of their choice. Dam 5th place gets no love.
Silver: It kinda does? *shows Y/N the part* it says here 5th place gets 3 stationary items for school, like pencils, a ruler, erasers, notebook, or a binder. I mean i understand that since each one of those items are around 1-5$ and getting 3 items ain't much worth.
(Y/N): Dam, the school really likes making us feel pathetic and people only did this for the money, i didn't expect all of this.
Silver: Haha, seems like it.

Alright so, didn't expect to come back and finish another part, not sure when i'll update but eventually lol. So, this was taken from the Demo, made it into the 2nd part 2 and changed a lot, gonna have to do another, like part 2.0 or sum lol. Well hope for another part kids, because im currently just wak and rarely payin attention. GL

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