7. The Talk

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I sit on the couch with Alec by my side. Of course we are sitting with a bunch of space between each other but to me I want us to be close. I want us to be one again but I know that's a long shot.

I take a sip of my drink and move my free hand around, "So what do you want to talk about Alec?" I say with pain since I can't call him Alexander.

"We haven't seen each other for four years Magnus. Just.......talk. Talk about High School, talk about your parents. Just don't push me away."

"I never wanted to push you away. You pushed me away so let's not play any games. After I knew you never wanted to be by me again then I left and stopped talking to you. That's when I started to change.

You had no idea what I went through during Junior Year with Sebastian and you never knew what happened after you left. So yes I was a bitch to you or an asshole but that's because I had too and because you went into the same group that I tried to make you stay out of.

So don't tell me I was the only one who pushed you away because your as much to blame." I tell Alec taking a sip of my drink calmly. He looks at me and nods his head and move his eyes around, knowing he's looking for something to say.

"I know I left because they were going to come after me but they still did Mangus. They still came after me and didn't stop until they wanted something. And that something was you.

  I couldn't let them hurt you or my family so I joined them. It was the only way to not let anything giant happen even though it did, I mean we haven't seen each other in a long time.

They never hit me or any thing like that the only job I had was to be rude to you and after awhile you became an ass toward me so my act was no longer an act."

"I just thought you hated me for some reason. I thought you blamed me for literally everything so I thought the only way to make sure I never hurt anyone again was to be rude but that just made people want to leave more." I said closing my eyes. I re-open them and look at Alec.

"Now can I tell you my story?"

"No. Not until we go on a trip."

"A trip? Alec I don't think that's a good idea."

"Magnus. Stop pushing me away. You are still doing it. Now pack your stupid bags and get in the car outside."

"Where are we going?"

"Now that's a surprise."

Who wants the other part right now rather than late afternoon today?

Question: If you could star in a movie/show what would it be? (Not shaodwhunters)

I would possibly star in Fast and Furious 8

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