Dude, you stink! 4

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<Author's Comments> I thought that a look into Lloyd's mind would help you see what his opinions are, so here you go! Enjoy! -^^-



She'd been in the stupid bathroom for at least an hour.

It was midnight, and she needed some blood. I'd already called the blood bank, and a few baggies were on the way. If she didn't drink soon, she'd go mad. I couldn't wait for her to get her act together any longer, and I knocked on the door.

No answer.

I knocked again, but still nothing. I knocked three more obnoxious times, and nothing. I even yelled her name a few times. Still nothing. I slowly creaked open the unlocked door while saying, "If you're in there, now's the time to speak up," I opened it the rest of the way, and Kira was on the bathroom floor, sleeping in a ball. I ran over to her and shook her shoulder, "Kira! Hey, Kira!" I yelled. If she was meditating again, I'd have to stab something.

She finally opened her eyes and said, "What? Lloyd, why are you here? I thought you burned up," she looked around the room and seemed to finally realize where she was, "Wait, what? I was in a meadow, and the sun rose, and you burned, and Luciferilla took Alex away . . ." she drifted off into an eerie silence.

I took my hand from her shoulder and ran it through my hair. It had a leftover tingly sensation. Looking to her, I said, "Ugh. Tell me your dream, or at least the important parts."

She sighed, and told me about a freaky dream where everyone she loved was disappearing. What I had said in her dream was weird, too. I didn't know she had chosen me over him in a dream, so when she re-capped, my heart skipped a non-existent beat. Most of the two dreams made kind of sense to me, other than the Luciferilla with wings part. That was a stumper. It made sense that she took Alex, since he was vulnerable, but the wings? That brought me back a few steps. Luciferilla could have taken me, but Kira was hugging me. Maybe Kira was somehow a bit invincible? But no, Luciferilla once started to rip her soul and body apart. That's not exactly invincible. Or, maybe Kira's not exactly invincible. But, either way, she was somewhat invincible. Possibly only physically. My mind processed all of this, and I shared it with her (other than the heartbeat thing - I kept that to myself).

She processed it too, and sucked in a sharp breath when she finally was hit with it all. She looked at me worriedly and said, "I don't have to face her one-on-one because of this, right?"

I laughed and said, "Well, of course not. Like I said, you're not totally invincible," her face fluttered, then turned back to worry in an instant. I could tell she was trying to cover up an expression. I decided to ignore it until later, and said darkly, "Even so, you'd probably be the best one to face her." I heard a car or van stop outside the house, then tensed up. If it was Luciferilla, I'd be running with Kira in the opposite direction. Soon, the car pulled away, and I could breathe again. Luciferilla probably didn't bother with a chauffeur. I soon smelled the distinctive sweet, seductive smell, and got up. Kira stood up too, nose in air. I chuckled a little at her scrunched face, but it looked more adorable than anything.

Her eyes widened and she pushed past me, saying, "Is that what I think it is?" she went to the front door and opened it. I then realized that she had never gone out of this house since she transformed. I followed her out, trailing behind her. She looked like such a weirdo, wearing my clothes and sniffing the air. I tried hard not to giggle the whole time. She got out the door and wandered into the narrow boulevard. She looked back to me and said, "We're in the city?" I nodded, and she continued to find the golden prize. She cracked open the mailbox built into the wall, and smiled with delight as she pulled out three baggies of blood.

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