chapter 2 : confusion

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CHAPTER 2 : confusion

         i stared at my mom's BMW as it drove away in confusion something didnt feel right

           i continued to stare even as it turnend the corner and dissapear out of sight. it was only when i heard my name being called only did i turn around.

           my bestfriend , leo , waved to me from the front entrance of the school. i smiled back and waved.

         leo was my bestfriend ever since middle school. he had convinced his parents to allow him to enroll in saint watsons highschool with me . i was then glad that leo would be with me trhough freshmen year .

          i slowly walked up to him in silence. he slid one arm through mine as we walked to my locker.

        i shoved my books into my locker as leo talked endlessly beside me about a new car. i 'mmhmd' and nodded absently at each precise moment as i grabbed my calculus book.

        just as i was about to close my locker , a photo of me , mom and dad caught my eye.

      i had plastered it to my locker on the first day of school though i rarely looked at it.

        my guess was that this morning's  nightmare had brought on this wave of sobness on me.

        tears filled my eyes as i glanced at the photo.

         it was sort of an old photo about 7years ago , when i was eight

         the photo made me miss the old times.. the times before mom and dad grew apart and rarely kissed or hugged

       the times before mom's heart satrted to ice over and her feelings shut down.

       the times before dad left mysteriously.

       when i had that last thought, tears started rolling down my cheeks .

       clunching my teeth, i wiped away the tears and slammed my locker door.

        i suddenly realized that leo was  looking at me , his eyes were filled with concern and pity.

        he laid her hand on my shoulder and gave me a small reasuring smile to make me belive that he would always be there.

        i sucked in a deep breath and huffed it out.

        i smiled at my best friend.

         "come on qris. dont worry. you've  always got me" he assured.

          just then , the bell rang and leo patted my shoulder one more, smiled and turned off towards her class

          i took another deep breath and walked to calculus, the one class that i hated the most.

          class was just starting so i quickly hurried to my seat , not looking who i was seating next too.

          only when i heard a snobbish chuckle only did i realize that this was the wrong seat for me .

          next to me , was the queen of freshies, kylie rea watson. younger sister of the head cheerleader , kayla.

            she turn her head so she could look at me while flipping her lustrous blonde silk hair which i suspected was fake and tried to pull out when i was in primary school.

            i turned slightly and looked at her from the corner of my eye and she smiled dazzingly at me .


            i looked straight ahead, trying to ignore her . something crumpled hit me in the head and kaylie signaled for me to open it , i glared at the words in anger.

credits to : @charmainelovesjace01

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