chapter 4 : reds academy

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    chapter 4 : reds academy

      "im back" I muttered as I stepped through the door "mum?"

      she popped her head from the kitchen door and waved once. from her posture , I could see she was on the phone with one of her business clients.

       I sighed and walked into the kitchen, grabbed a cup of juice in the fridge and sat down on one of the stool.

        I sipped my juice as I watched mum agree, disagree, discuss and explain to her clients.

       five minutes later , mum put down her phone and looked at me. I looked down and stared at my glass trying to prevent eye contact.

         "so, hows your day" mum ask as an attempt to start a converaation.

           I made a noise that told her it was terrible. I was begginig to have  second thought about telling her.

            " qristian how was school?" . apparently , queen of no feelings wouldnt take sounds as an answer.

               "bland" I muttered , totally overlooking the mystical hand stabbings in my thoughts!


           "are you sure u have nothig to tell me"


            "qristian? be honest with me"

            I started gettig annoyed and tighten my grip around my glass.


             that did it , the words flew out of my mouth uncontrolably.

               "u stabbed your friend?" mom gasped in disbelief

               "well..... not really" I muttered as my anger died down


               " I thought of stabbing her and cuts started soreading along       her hand"  I said

                "so u didnt stab her?"

                 " no... I dont think so"

                 "oh qristian" mom moaned

                                          ○  ○  ○ 

       perfect just perfect , I thought as I packed the last of my stuff. thanks to the stunt I did , nim being shipped off  to some weird academy for "troubled teens" that cant deal with 'stress' and 'pressure.

      mom gave me one last kiss on the forehead and waved goodbye.   I pulled my hoodie up since it was drizziling and ran towards the buss . I took a seat and looked at the window as the bus drove away .

      tears rolled down my cheeks . suddenly, a sof touch patted my back. I turnend around seeing a girl with long wavy brown hair and hazelnut eyes.

        "are you okey? " the girl asked

         "yeah " I said wipping the tears from my face

         " my name's destiny im a werewolf  , and you are? "

          " qristian dwell " I said softly "what do u mean by werewolf?"

          " you know big dogs , full moon , sharp teeths" she replied with a smile.

             before I could say anything the bus stopped in the middle of  nowhere and the rain had stopped.

              " how could this  the school " I complained  as I turnend to destiny

               "just wait " destiny said with a grin

             out of nowhere a huge school appeared infront of me

            "okay?"  I gaped at the castle like structure infrot of me. my heart pounded and it fell as if it was about explode.

             I should've been pissing in my pants but instead my heart poumded with interve excitment,

           " listen to that heartbeat"  a silky smooth voice murmured . I froze

             god , it keeps getting weirder and weirder.

             I turned and saw a pale  huy wearing black glasses smiling seductively at me.

              destiny rolled her eyes at the absurdly handsome guy.

              " giver her a break mikael. she's new"

              " fine , whatever . im mikael u can call me...."

               before he could continue another guy appeared from behind him.

               "you can call him mik" the boy said with a smile

                " u ruined my introduction gale" mik said purely annoyed.

                 " well sorry mik I really didnt wanna bother youre so called introduction , I just wanna say hi to my girl " he said putting one arm around destiny

              suddenly a strong whistle blew, we all turnend to pay attention . instead of seeing a normal teacher we saw a one eyed cyclops.

                of course!

                the teacher then started separating us into groups. I was luckily grouped with destiny and another girl  with blue eyes and curly black hair.

                we took are bags and went to out cabins. I took the top bunk , destiny took the bottom and the other girl who was so called 'valarie ' took the sofa which was better than falling off a 3 metre high bed.

          suddenly a womans voice appeared

     "attention to all  students of red academy please proceed to the orientation room"

        Valarie and destiny stop their unpacking and ran to the hall, suprisingly leaving their  bag open in the middle of the room. I rolled my eyes and followed them to the orientation room.

A/N : I hope u guys like this chapter theres going to be a mega twist soon .... twist wasnt in my old red academy book cause id like it to be mysterious.

there will also be another book2 of revealed  !!!! . ill be posting a TMI FANFIC (MORTAL INSTRUMEMTS CITY OF FORBIDDEN LOVE) SOON.. like if your a tmi fan !!! vote follow me and ill follow back


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