The Villain

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Before we can react, the lobby goes completely dark. No sunlight escapes through the windows, not a single light continues to glow. Screaming people surround us on both sides now, creating a whirling vortex of chaos around us. Bucky's non-metal hand grips mine tightly, and we race towards the original source of the screaming, pushing through crowds of crazed, panicked people.

A woman is barely visible in the dim light, standing right where the screaming started. By her side and cradled in her arms, something large and bulky struggles and kicks. I catch the dull flash of the metal of a gun.

"Buck, wait. She's got a gun," I murmur in warning. Immediately, he switches tactics; changing from "defensive hero" to "concerned citizen" in a millisecond. I've always envied his ability to do that-- to become someone else without much effort.

"Ma'am, I need you to drop the gun," he prompts slowly, hands in the air, inching towards the woman. All I can see of her is the slight gleam of her eyes and her vague outline as she studies Bucky. Without really meaning to, I step ever so slightly in front of him, shielding him with my body.

Then a gunshot rattles my bones and leaves my ears ringing. Bucky jumps, one hand finding mine and gripping it like a lifeline. Once the ringing in my ears recedes, I can hear the screaming around us escalate, people running around in frightened groups like chickens with their heads cut off. The woman drops the now limp figure beside her. Like a snake, her arm darts out, latching onto another unfortunate person and pulling them close.

"Well, I'd heard the Winter Soldier was attractive, but who would've thought he was polite, too! Now, stop walking, or I'll blow you, your pretty little friend, and everyone in this room to bits." I raise my eyebrows in surprise and recognition. It's the voice of the front desk lady from yesterday-- the homophobic one. Figures.

"Yeah? Well, who the fuck are you?" Bucky growls, switching back into "hero mode". I don't know why it doesn't bother me when he swears, but it does when the other folks back at HQ do... I guess I'm used to it? Besides, it is just the tiniest bit sexy...

Okay, Steve, focus. People are in danger here, you dumb fuck.

The woman laughs a low, rumbling, almost feline laugh.

"Oh, honey," She croons in a falsely sweet voice, "I'm who you've been looking for! I'm Avery. Avery Walker. Pleased to meet you."

My jaw drops open. Avery Walker is a woman? But... Our intel made it clear Avery Walker was a man.

"Avery Walker is the world's most dangerous businessman," I stammer out stupidly. The woman laughs again.

"The mute speaks! Darling, you've got it completely correct, except for one tiny little detail. Avery Walker is the world's most dangerous businesswoman. That photograph I let you pretty little heroes steal? One of my close associates. Did you honestly think that after years of not letting anyone see me I was going to let the goddamn Avengers get a peek at me? I don't think so." Bucky and I try to exchange a glance, but I can barely make out his face in the darkness.

Without warning, another gunshot sounds, and before we fully turn back around, she's snared a new victim. I jump backwards in surprise, landing on Buck's toes.

"Ow, Stevie, I need those for walking," he mutters teasingly, trying for nonchalance. I can hear the fear behind his voice-- not fear for our safety, but fear for the innocent people she keeps shooting with no provocation.

"And that's another thing!" Avery Walker's voice rings out through the din, "I'm disappointed in you, Captain America. I was hoping you'd be... straighter." I tense up, a snarl curling my lips.

"Why are you doing this?" I growl. She lets out an exasperated huff.

"Why? Because I'm so terribly bored. Building a super weapon takes so long, I've run out of patience. It's faster to kill you myself! I was hoping you would bring more of your little friends, but," she shrugs, "I suppose you two will make a fine example."

"You... you do realize there's two of us, and only one of you, right?" Bucky asks, sounding more than a little confused. The woman laughs, pulling the trigger once more on the person in her arms.

"Yes, but there's so many of them! You two wouldn't want to be responsible for the deaths of all these people, would you?"

Before we can react, she drops something onto the ground. Immediately, flames erupt, licking hungrily at the old, expensive carpet. The firelight illuminates her face, confirming that she is, in fact, the front desk lady. As if there were any doubt before.

"Well, at least we can see now," Bucky drawls sarcastically.

"Too soon, Buck!" I reply, "You go for her, I've got the people. Don't get shot."

"Got it. If this place looks like it's comin' down, get your skinny ass out of here."

Avery drops the body of her latest victim and makes a run for the exit. Bucky looks like he wants to say something more, but just shakes his head and sprints after her, trying to avoid her wild gunshots.

I dive into the throng of people, ducking between columns of flame, trying to stay beneath the smoke.

Exit, exit, I need an exit...

Finally, I spot one. Running as quickly as I can, I slam my shoulder into it, sending it crashing down and allowing daylight to stream in.

"Everybody out!" I shout, trying to corral people. After a few moments, they see the daylight and stream towards the doors, leaving me free to look for stragglers. Hopefully there aren't many-- I need to find Bucky, and quick.

"Help me! Momma! Momma!" A young voice screams. I spin around, trying desperately to pinpoint the voice. But the smoke and the heat are starting to get to me, making my brain sluggish and stupid.

"Help!" The voice shouts again. This time, it's farther away, coming from behind a wall of flames across the lobby. I rip off a chunk of my shirt, tying it around my mouth in an effort to filter out the worst of the smoke. As carefully and quickly as I can, I sprint to the source of the small voice, flaming debris falling down around me as I go.

"Where are you?" I yell once I get there.

"Here!" The voice sobs. A giant, raging inferno separates us, belching black clouds of smoke. The ceiling all around that area looks one bad breath away from completely collapsing.

So, of course, I do the only logical thing and sprint at it, full force.

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