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Devans P.O.V
"Devan. Wake up dude. Trust me." I groan and rub sleep from my eyes as I roll over and see dad looming over me. "What's dad talking about?" He gently puts his arms around me and picks me up. I shiver and curl into his chest.

"Sorry for waking you up early" I whimper "do I haf to go back?" I feel a few tears forming. It seems like I've been woken up early again, just like yesterday.

Dad rubs my back "Speaking of the daycare, Collins said that you didn't have a very good day. He said you were sobbing and got very clingy to him and wouldn't let him go anywhere without you when you guys got home. He also said that the teacher said that you sat in the corner alone all day." I nod into his neck and I can't see his face but I bet he looks concerned.

    He sighs "Devan..." "Do I haf to go back?!" I ask persistently, even though my voice cracks. He kisses my temple and I let out a sob. "When they don't answer that means yes." Suddenly I feel cool air surround me and I can't help but shiver again and snuggle deeper into dads chest. "Why are we going outside right away?"

    "Devan, look" dad tells me. So I open my eyes and twist around in his arms to see six deer eating about 20 feet away from us. Collins is taking a picture while mom is watching them in wonder. I can't help but stare in awe. "Deer never come this close"

    The youngest one looks at me and I stare right back. Eventually one of them moves into the trees again and the rest follow. By this time I'm shivering like there no tomorrow. Dad tightens his grip on me and walks back into the house with Collins and mom following.

    We get inside and the warmth of the house engulfs me and I relax. Dad sets me down "so I don't haf to go?" I ask hopefully. Collins ruffles my hair and walks past us towards the bathroom as mom chuckles "no Devan. Not today." Feeling a huge grin crossing my mouth I give them both a hug "thwank you!"

    Mom picks me up and starts to smother my face in kisses. Giggling I try to push her away, but in all honesty, I don't really care. It's nice. She laughs and kisses the tip of my nose. "Mom!" I squeal and wipe my face. Collins comes back and starts to laugh his head off.

    "It's not funny!" I yell at him and look for something to throw at his face. Mom, sensing the start of roughhousing, puts me down and I run over to a paper towel roll I see. Picking it up I throw it in his direction. "Hey!" Collins yells and picks up the roll to throw at me. I turn away and the roll hits my back. Grabbing it I run towards him.

Time skip

    "Breakfast!!" Dad yells and brings our attention back to food. Normally Collins and I would race to the food, but there's just no way I can beat him. Still I run as fast as I can and Collins goes the long way around. We get there at the same time. Collins helps me climb up onto the chair while mom and dad sit down. My stomach growls "bacon, eggs, toast, orange juice. Delicious."

Time skip after breakfast from clueless writer

Collins P.O.V
    Breakfast was great. It rare that we all actually get to sit down together with Devan as a baby. Devan crawls across the table into moms lap when we're done. "What are we doing today?" he asks. Mom strokes his hair "well, I was thinking we should go to the park or something before our appointment."

    Devan looks up at her confused and I have to admit, I'm confused "what appointment?" Devan asks for me "what appointment? Do I haf to go back to the doctors?" Dad shakes his head and smiles. "No. It's for all of us, but you two will have to wait and see."

    I frown with Devan "...what does that mean?" Mom and dad share a look as I look exasperated at Devan, who looks back the same way. "Don't worry about it. You'll like it." Mom reassures us. I must still look doubtful because mom sets Devan down and starts to do the dishes. As she passes me she quickly places a kiss on my hair.

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