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Collins P.O.V
I walk downstairs and over to the couch next to Devan. He's on his phone and barely looks up when I sit down next to him. It's a little weird to sit next to him now. "It's like almost nothing's changed between us, but I'm used to him sitting on my lap and stuff."

    "Hey dev?" He looks up from his phone "yeah?" I hesitate. I don't know why I'm not nervous or anything but like its weird. I don't realize I've been hesitating for as long as I have until Devan says "Collins? You ok?"

    Part of my heart breaks when he says my name right. "I miss the colwins." Pulling myself out of it I look at him then instantly miss his baby look. "Well, I was just wondering if you remember everything. Like...where you yourself the whole time? Can you remember just about everything?"

    He sighs and stares off into space thinking. "Yeah I think I do." I feel my eyebrows raise "really?! What about the whole amnesia thing?" I can almost see the wheels turning in his mind "...what amnesia? I had amnesia?" I nod. He breaks eye contact and stares off again "woah."

    I nod "yeah it was weird. Ok so you don't remember that, which is understandable, but do you remember the day care?" He nods in disgust "yup. This girl tried to get me to draw with her." I look at him carefully "he hasn't been controlling his emotions very well lately."

    Devan waves his hand in my face "Collins...you there?" Blinking I nod "you remember everything? The first day I watched you? The photo shoot? All your crying? The car seat?" He nods to all my questions. "Why are you asking?" I shrug and lean back on the couch "just wondering I guess."

    He nods and leans back with me. Like always our arms touch and our legs lean against each other's. It's nice because it's been something we've always done since we were little kids. To know that even after the last few crazy days, somethings between us have never changed and never will is nice. Plus just the physical contact is something that I know we both find comfort in.

    I wake up really warm. So warm and comfortable I just want to stay there forever. I don't really think about it and just shift my head a little on the warm object I'm holding on to. I feel a heart beat and finally notice that the object that my head is on is moving.

    "Is this a person?" I try to think back to what happened last night and start to remember. "Photoshoot, dinner, Devan crying, Devans cow, Devan crying again, taking Devan into my room, talking about...muscles?! And sleeping with Devan." I sigh contently "ok so this is probably Devan."

    I tense up when I realize that I fell asleep with baby Devan "then either Devan changed back or I'm sleeping with someone else because my whole body is warm, not just my chest." The object shifts around and curls deeper into my chest. I feel breath on me and warm, soft "really soft" skin on me, and a body pressed against me all the way down to my feet, which are tangled with another pair of feet.

    I'm hugging/holding them and their holding me to. "This can't be mom or dad! There's no way." My arms are fully wrapped around the person who is really skinny. "This has got to be Devan. I don't know anyone else this skinny." Forcing my eyes open I look up a little to see who I'm with.

    I feel a smile forming when I see Devan. Not baby Devan though, normal Devan. Long brown hair, long skinny limbs, freckles still on the nose, darker skin, big ears. He changed back. My smile turns down when I think back to Devans chubby cheeks and baby voice.

    "He probably doesn't sound the same now. That's sad. And I won't be able to carry him anymore." Devans hand is resting on my hair so I have a hard time not waking him as I look over him to see the time. 9:30 "early enough to get up."

    I poke him. "Devan wake up. You've got to wake up and look at yourself dude!" He groans and curls a little deeper into me "five more minutes." He mumbles and my heart almost stops. He sounds exactly the same as before. "Fine. But you've got to wake up." He mumbles something I can't understand.

    I rub his back from his shoulders to his lower back trying to get him to realize he's not a baby anymore. He doesn't seem to get it so with my other hand I run my fingers through his hair to try to get him to realize how long it now is.

    "Devan get up! Dude seriously! Trust me man." He groans again and I feel his eyelashes flutter open. "Look at yourself!" He sighs and pulls back slightly. He looks at his hands then sits up and look at rest of himself in shock. "Am I...back?" I nod excitingly and a grin come so to his face "yes!" He yells and jumps out of bed. I rush to follow him as he runs downstairs calling for mom and dad.

--end flashback--

    Im smiling at the memory when Devans hand brushes against mine "sorry." Devan mumbles as he reaches for his water. I stare at the skin on his hand and when he leans back again I grab his hand "bro what are you doing?" Ignoring him I run my fingers over the back of his hand. "Bro!"

    He starts to pull back but I tighten my grip and touch his arm. Then his face. "What are you doing?!" I stare in shock. "Your...your skin is still baby soft!" He nods "The doctor said there would be after effects for the rest of my life. Guess that's one of them."

    I'm still staring and Devan must starts to get uncomfortable because he pulls himself out of my grip. He opens his mouth to say something when dad interrupts him "boys! Breakfast!" He both jump up and race each other to the table.

    We laugh as we push each other out of the way and I realize I really missed normal Devan. But I also really miss baby Devan. "Guess you can't both sometimes. I wish though."

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