Chapter 1:This Kid-ish Boy

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Author's note-Annyeong!!!'s my first fanfic!!!...

Hope you enjoy!!!...Please support/comment/vote tell me if you liked it!!!(even if you didnt....)


Its late...what is that boy still doing now??!...atleast he could have called me....

I thought as i clumsily play with my hair.

I live in a shared apartment with my best friend Huang Zi Tao.He is always out at late night for this wushu competition he had this week.

But tonight he was very late.Without him,its no fun to stay by myself and its all quiet now...

Seriously...Does he wanna stay out all night?!!!......

My thoughts could not calm down and i felt all dizzy staying up this late.

No wonder after a few minutes i found myself dozing off at the sofa.

When i woke up it was all morning...

Still worried Tao hadn't come i looked around to find him snoring near me.

I looked down and found him worn out and almost seemed unconcious but still he was cute.

That idiot.....Why do you have such an innocent face?....... i giggled to myself and quickly get up to prepare breakfast for the both of us.

I went into the kitchen unconcious that some one else was in there making breakfast."What the-"i almost screamed,the sudden presence of Baekhyun scared me half dead. "Oh..Good morning_______!!" he greeted in a cute and friendly way.

"Morning...but what is oppa doing here?"still half shocked i asked him to be sure there wasn't any mistake.

"i helped Tao off yesterday night...real heavy that dude.He was too weak to even walk so i helped him and ended staying the night was too scary to go back_______-ah"he said winking his puppy eyes.

Now that's something.....i nodded that i understood his situation.

"Here,________,Its simple but still tasty i gurantee you!!!..say Aahh---" Baekhyun tried baby feeding me a big spoon of fruit custard.

"okay...Aaaahh..." i say as i open my mouth.he fed me and pinched my cheeks telling me how cute i looked...

I began blushing and my cheeks became red hot....the custard was tasty as it was made by Baekhyun himself but truth is i almost suffocated anyways i still beared it...

"What are you two doing?" a voice half angry half sleepy shouted from behind.

I quickly turned back to see Tao standing there with really black big dark circles."Tao..!you're awake...Thank God!!!...i thought you would not come back better rest..i'll bring you breakfast!!"i quickly reminded Tao how i was gonna beat him if he hadn't come yesterday.

He seemed convinced and a little irritated that i was sending him away.."Fine....!!!But you two..don't do anything when i'm resting!!!Hyung..this is my house...Dont forget that...!!!"he said and then left giving us both dead glares.

"Tao-yah!!..when you're asleep.._______ and i will go out...On A Special Romantic DATE!!!" Baekhyun teased the maknae.

Tao quickly came foward and stared intensely in Baek's eyes as if he's cursing him.

But all of this childish nature of his was too cute and i could not help giggling.

He suddenly looked at me and asked"Yahhh...why are you laughing??? two...dont move..!!"he said and then took my hand and made a distance with Baekhyun.

He was signing to Baekhyun something like if-you-move-you're-dead...

Geeezz.....This boy!!...

Somehow i felt bad for Baekhyun as he was Tao's target of punishment.

Finally Tao said,"i'm going now..______Come to my room in 5 mins.Dont be late..else this Byun-"

Baekhyun cut him off saying,"Just go already...I have else to do.You're bothering us!!!"

Tao just widen his Dark eyes and left with a growl.

Alright...he grunted leaving me staring at him...

Well..he's gotta be okay...... i sighed.

As told i went to his room 5 mins. later

Oh my gosh.....what is this strange,funny feeling that i have....?

I knocked on the door "Tao...i brought you Brunch!!"

i heard a few noise as he came lazily to open the door.

"its not lock you know.."he said scratching his head.

"What can i do? i got my hands full with your food..."i protested and thats when i realised he was shirtless. is my heart beating so... fast??!!!...he's my best friend,dammit!!!You have no right to adore him like that!!!! i argued with myself.

"_______-ah..whats wrong???"he said and took the plates from my hand and come slightly close.i was still in sub-concious mind..

Don't come any more near you idiot!!!....this is totally illegal!!...Go and find your shirt!!!or anything and never bare yourself like that!!!!....Do it before i call the cops!!!!!!....

He waved his hands in front of me like i was blind or something.

I quickly snapped at him,"Go and have your brunch before i make you starve!!"

Hearing this he quickly rushed his meal and almost choked himself.I just laughed till my stomach pained and Tao began nagging me to go away.

"Okay.Fine!!!....But make sure to finish it.Baek oppa must probably be waiting for me." i finally gave up and turned to go.....

Suddenly.....Tao grabbed my hand and stopped me........

Surprised i looked back at him who was blushing...I don't know but i also began to fluster...

Wha-Whats this feeling again??...No______ it can't be right..I must be sick and really need to see a doctor.....

"I was only joking______-ah!!You don't have to go..!!! You have to take good care of you best friend,right?!!!"

Yeah.right!!!You dumbo!! if not me then who's gonna look after you....

"You are right Tao but atleast wear a shirt first before you talk to me....!"i shrugged in a majestic manner as to show him how much it meant to me.

"Well fine.Princess!!!" He quickly grabbed a tee from his closet.In a flash he was done.

I breathe in relief."By the way ______-ah...Don' i've got nice abs????"he smirked as he saw me flustered.

"What??!!!Hell no!!!Baek's are wayyyyy.....better!!!" i lied..but to be honest..Tao's got a great hot body...unlike his childish and stupid brain.

No way...seriously why are you asking me as if you yourself don't know already...

"What??!!!...I swear Baek doesn't even have one!!!"He shouted in disapprove."He does!!"i argued."!!!Did he show you..or what???!"he sounded fierce but still i didn't respond and pretend i didn't hear him.

i just smiled at him and walked away.He just stomped his feet and shouted from behind,"TELL BAEK TO PREPARE FOR THE WAR!!!!!!"



P.S-its just the beginning.But please stick with me till the end!!!

do you like it???...please comment!.....^_^

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