Chapter 6:Rain Rain Rain

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They weren't friendly or close...

They were like complete strangers,however under the same roof..

No one bothered what happened to the other...

Kris and Tao sat on the sofa keeping a distance of at least 15metres from each other.

They are not getting along as they promised to...

Ever since Taeyeon Unnie last visited Baek is always on the phone or out.And these two would be stuck in here with me.

I sat on the chair which was somewhere in the middle of the sofa and Kris and Tao were beside me.And our mood was just the same as the weather.All gloomy.

"Hey..I bought the movie—Somewhere only we know...Wanna watch?"Kris whispered to me.

I smiled and nodded."Okay..Wait here,I'll go and bring it."He barked at Tao,who just sat with a really dull face.Kris jumped out of the sofa and ran to his room.I glanced at Tao who lay lazily.

I turned my back to him."_____-ah" He called before he kicked me!!!

But it was a soft kick and i wasn't that mad at him.

"WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU???!!!"I shouted at him annoyed.

He grinned,"I..Have a special someone..."

"Cool..."I said without thinking.


I can't believe this...When did he meet someone....?? Behind my back???

Of course,I'm his best friend..and...

"Yeahh...I'll show you the photo of me and 'that'"He said taking out his phone from his pocket.

My heart shattered.

At the same time I was eager to know who that person is.

He likes...someone.

I'm his best friend,right?

It should be okay.

"Tadaaa!!!!"He shouted in extreme excitement as he showed me the photo.

"TAO!!!!YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!!!!"I screamed as i hit him with a cushion.

That stupid photo was of him and a doll.

It was a GIRL doll.

What is he? A kid? Who goes fooling around with a stupid photo of him hugging a doll with stickers-'I Love You'???

"Ahemm...."Kris cleared his throat to announce he's back.

I stopped hitting Tao who groaned as soon as he saw Kris.

"Okayy!!!...Let's watch!!!"I said in excitement.

This is a chinese movie and its lead role is Wu YiFan.*My hero ^-^*

Kris inserted the CD and gathered as soon as he hit the play button.




☆★✧☆★✧Black out☆★☆✧★✧




"What the-....???!!"Kris said totally pissed off."I can't see!!!!"

Our lights had cut off and a really heavy crackle of the thunder boomed from outside.

"AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!"Tao screamed.I bet his face must have turned green out of shock.

He's so cute.

"Candles?Flashlights?Do you have any??"Kris asked.

"Um...In the kitchen and-"I had hardly completed when a flash of lightning streamed through the windows.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!"Tao screamed again,this time squeezing the cushions.

"DO YOU MIND???!!!"Kris shouted very annoyed.

"Duhh..."I could hear Tao mumble.

I groped in the dark and reached the kitchen by my imagination.

I lit a candle and brought a few extras and flashlights.

When i got back,Tao ran and hugged me so tight that the candle almost burned us."Yaaahhh!!!Are you mad???!!"Kris shouted behind him.

Tao just turned to him sticking out his tongue.Kris's face clearly showed signs of wanting to beat up Tao.

"Um...How about we get a couple of blanket???Its pretty cold!"I smiled at them.

"I'll get it.."Tao shuddered as he spoke.

He's scared to be alone but he's trynna act brave.

Has Kris influenced him???

"What are you gonna do??"Kris mocked him,"Scream on high pitch again???"

Tao just shrugged.He is scared,i know.He doesn't want to go in fact.

"I'll get it."I smirked at them."No use of two men who can't get along at all."

They both pointed at one another"He is too dumb!!"They both said at the same time.


I took a flash and went in to get my blanket.

I took my favorite one,a panda character and went to join them.

"You...what are you up to?" I could make out from the dark that it was Tao's voice.

"What do you mean...You are only a kid,You won't understand!!"That was Kris for sure,his voice was hoarse.

"Don't you dare make a move on _______-ah..."Tao's fierce voice was ringing in my ears.

"YO...I AM ______-AH'S FIRST LOVE."Kris said coldly.

Kris-ge!!!....Don't talk like that in front of him...

I frowned and walked towards them."What are you two doing???"I tried to make it sound innocent and cheerful.

They both panicked and Tao almost screamed.

"Ahhh..Umm...Nothing."They protested.

"Ah..well,here is the blanket..Let's cuddle...."

They squirmed as another lightning stroke out the window.

Ahh...This rain..


Its raining a lot now adays.Please take care of your health.. ^_^

Next chapter coming up soon!!!

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