Chapter One - The Normal Girl

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The leaves were falling rapidly by now, floating down and kissing the wet concrete. I loved autumn. I really did. But I kept slipping over and scraping my hands. I kept having to wipe the blood off on something and my jeans always come in the way of my hands. My the time I get to school I look like I've been through a war.

"What the hell happened to you Sawyer?" My best friend Peyton was my opposite. Literally. Quiet, shy and beautiful, she always shied away from contact with strangers. We became friends because she needed a crutch and I needed an anchor. I still need an anchor, but I think she can live without her crutch. So we are slowly drifting apart, and I miss her. I laughed lightly and replied "Autumn happened, sweetheart, just like every year this time." 

She laughed, really laughed, like I hadn't heard in a while. I was shocked and she saw it, immediately putting on her demeanour. It hurt. But I ignored it. 

"Okay I'm off to English sweetie, talk later." I hurried off to room 19.67. This was the language block, and I knew it well. I could talk to people, manipulate them, anger them and make them fall in love, but never with me. This was me. I hid behind my normal girl demeanour, so no one will ever know. 

"Sawyer darling, wonderful essay you wrote, gripping and insightful. I want to talk to you about a competition we have..." the teacher greeted and started rambling about a competition that we both know I won't compete in. Competitions ask for parental permission. 

"Thank you, miss, but I think I'm too busy, exams and work and everything" I reply hastily.

"Oh... okay then dear. Take a seat."

I scurried off to sit at the depressing blue desk. I rub vigorously at a crude drawing of a body part in the top right corner, it always annoyed me when people did this.

"Do they offend you?"

I look up, startled, I had always sat alone in English. "No" I reply coolly "I just don't appreciate them being forced on me."

"I'll keep that in mind, babe. I'm Cason."

"Lovely. I'm Sawyer."

"Oh? I like it. Where's it from?"

"My parents." I reply rudely, not interested in small talk.  

He snorted next to me "Jeez okay calm your panties."

"Like you had any impact on my panties."

"Oh? What did I have an impact on?"

"Other than a sudden dislike for my breakfast, not much."

I ignored him for the rest of the lesson. I wasn't mad, actually, he was entertaining. And I like the way he looked, his brown hair long and curly, his eyes a strange mix of green and brown. He wasn't particularly muscular, but I liked the way he was. 

"Hey, Sawyer, you ready for this assignment?" His smirk made me think he knew exactly what I was thinking, but I ignored it. 

"Um yeah I think so."

He turned away, still smirking. I wiped my hands off on my jeans, they suddenly felt clammy. 

"Ouch" I muttered. I had forgotten about the cuts on my hands

He looked at me, concerned, "What's the matter?"

I shrugged and gestured vaguely at my hands, actually absorbed in the lesson. 

"Mmm you having a love affair with the ground?"

"Something like that" I smiled 

He smiled back and for a second we just sat there smiling like idiots

"Sawyer" the teacher asked "what is your opinion?"

"Um Shakespeare was trying to portray confusion?" I asked, uncertain

"Nice try, dear, but we're on Jane Eyre at the moment. Please focus."

I scowled at my refill page and picked at some twink in the top corner of my folder. I didn't like attention drawn to me in class.

I heard a chuckle next to me and I shot Cason a glare. He winked. "Pay attention, sweetie, we stopped studying Shakespeare four weeks ago."

"Shush you asstwat"

"Asstwat?" He questioned, amused. 

"Yes, asstwat. I'm creative."

He laughed lowly, and I shivered. The window above me was open and a cold wind was blowing through. I didn't mind, I loved the cold. 

The bell rang, high and shrill, shocking me. I gathered my stuff and shoved it into my backpack, turning to leave. I had History next, in building 5.9 on the other side of the school and I have to hurry. 

"Bye, Cason, I'll see you around." I greeted, smiling at the stranger and turning away.I realised with a sinking feeling I didn't have English tomorrow, so I wouldn't see him until Wednesday. And then I remembered that I'm not supposed to care. 

The day went by relatively smoothly from then on, and before I knew it I was walking the empty road home. No, not home, to the house. I would go home in a week, I'd promised myself. But no one would know. 

A/N: New chapter woah... okay I'm excited about this story but I don't want to rush it. Vote, comment and spread the word, darlings, it would me much appreciated.



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