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' there was a list of reasons i love you:
1) YOU '

"AMY, GET BACK HERE!" A little blonde haired child ran around the house, her little feet stomping against the marble flooring

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"AMY, GET BACK HERE!" A little blonde haired child ran around the house, her little feet stomping against the marble flooring.

"Amy!" Another voice called as another person ran after her. Both Tyler and Jeremy were chasing after their little princess, who ran around the house. The girl had long blonde hair and doe brown eyes, her appearance screaming angel while her personality screamed devil. She was a devil in disguise only at the age of six.

"What's with all the fuss?" A mature voice asked as an older looking girl entered the room

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"What's with all the fuss?" A mature voice asked as an older looking girl entered the room. She had brown hair with a lighter shade of brown highlights and eyes that matched the colour of dark wood. Her name was Selina and was 18 years old.

 Her name was Selina and was 18 years old

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"You're all loud." Another deep, masculine voice said as a blonde haired guy with a light shade of blue eyes. His name was Xavier and is 20.

"Well, they are your fathers after all

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"Well, they are your fathers after all." Alice Heartstone laughed as she entered the living room with a baby in her arms. The baby had brown hair and blue eyes, taking after Alice she just only had brown hair. Her name was Bailey and was only a year old.

 Her name was Bailey and was only a year old

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"Yeah, but we're your mates." Tyler retorted, pecking her lips.

"Mummy!" Amy exclaimed as she ran up to hug her mum, wrapping her arms around her waist.

"Hey, Darling." She laughed as her husband's frowned, pouting. Her two oldest children came and kissed her cheek, Selina bending down to kiss Bailey's cheek along with Xavier before they went upstairs.

"You know they all favour you more, right?" Jeremy said as he looked at all their children, pouting as they went and kissed their mums cheek.

"I know." Alice laughed, pinching his cheek. The two eldest children came downstairs with a smile.

"We're going to the Mikaelson's house," Xavier told their parents.

"The Mikaelson's?" Tyler questioned as he took Bailey from his wife.

"Yup. We're going to spend the day there." Selina said as a smile spread on her face.

"That's fine with me. We'll be going over soon anyway. Tell them to come over to the Salvatore's house, okay?" Nodding, the two oldest kissed their mum's cheek before walking out the house and across the road to the Mikaelson's home.

"Since when did they start going over to the Mikaelson's?" Tyler asked as Jeremy lifted Amy up, Alice running her hand over her baby bump.

"Since they found out they were mates with them."

"What?!" Tyler growled in anger, his eyes flashing red.

"You never knew?" Jeremy questioned as he lifted Amy onto his shoulders, the girl laughing.

"No." Jeremy and Alice let out a laugh, the blonde kissing Tyler's cheek before all four of them left to the mansion next to theirs.

"Alice!" Caroline exclaimed as she answered the door.

"Hi, Care." The two hugged, Caroline careful not to squeeze her too tightly.

"How's the baby?" Caroline asked as she rubbed her best friend's baby bump.

"He's good."

"He?" Alice nodded, smiling. "How do you know?"

"Gut feeling." She shrugged, and Caroline moved out the way for them to come in.

"Aunt Care!" Amy yelled from her dad's shoulders.

"Hey, Amy." Caroline smiled, and they all went to the living room, where everyone sat, including the Mikaelson's. Tyler clenched his fists as he saw Selina with Kol and Davina while Xavier was with Rebekah, Marcel and Matt.

"Ty." Jeremy grabbed his mates hand, rubbing his finger over his knuckles. "They're old enough." Tyler glared at the Mikaelson's before taking a deep breath before exhaling.

"Okay." Tyler nodded, and Alice went over to Damon, who sat with Elena.

"How's the mini Hunter?" Damon asked, erupting a laugh out of his best friend. Alice had told them that she thought the next baby would be a hunter since the others aren't. Xavier is a hybrid while Selina is a vampire. Amy is half witch half vampire while Bailey is a vampire.

Selina and Bailey would become a full-fledged vampire when they turn 19 along with Xavier and Amy, who'd turn into a full-fledged hybrid when they turn 20.

"He's okay," Alice answered as she sat down, her best friend pulling her into a hug.

"You know, I'm glad you visited when you did," Damon admitted as the watched everyone interact with each other, even the Mikaelson's. "Because this would have never happened." Alice nodded, resting her head on Damon's shoulder, a hand on her stomach.

"I'm glad too."

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