| chapter six |

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' my bones grow cold the longer
you aren't in my embrace '


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ALICE HEARTSONE WOKE UP THE NEXT MORNING with a killer headache. It was midmorning, and she still had a head that felt like an axe was planted in it. The blonde's eyesight struggled to cope with the daylight, and she fumbled slipping on a large grey shirt she found on the bedroom floor. With her brain still struggling to recover from the previous night's abuse, Alice walked down the stairs of the Salvatore Boarding House, groaning as she held her head. The blonde was having the worst hangover ever.

"Good Afternoon, Sleeping Beauty." Snickered Damon Salvatore, amused by his best friend's appearance. Her hair was sticking up, and her eyes were half closed, deep black bags were painted under her eyes. She wore an oversized shirt that ended an inch below her butt, and she was slouching and nearly bent over, walking down the stairs like an old lady.

"Fuck off," She flipped him the bird and took some medicine from the cabinet, gulping it down with some water she found on the counter.

"Well, someone woke up and the wrong side of the bed." Damon rolled his eyes, going back to drinking his bourbon and reading his newspaper. He was waiting for his girlfriend and brother along with the rest of his friends. They were going to discuss something 'important' which bored him to no end but nonetheless, he put up with it because Elena seemed to care for all her friends and wanted to make sure she knew about everything that was going on around Mystic Falls.

"We're here!" Announced Caroline Forbes cheerfully as she slammed the door open only to get a fuck off in return. Everyone turned to see a hungover Alice who was walking over to the couch. They all blushed, the girlfriend's covering their boyfriend's eyes while Jeremy Gilbert and Tyler Lockwood stood there with wide eyes, blushing a deep red as they saw the girl walk over with nothing but a large shirt on and a pair of black lace underwear.

"What's got your panties in a twist?" Came the voice of a British blonde, Rebekah Miklaeson. They turned to look at her and watched as she and her brothers barged in. Damon rolled his eyes, so not bothered along with Alice, who watched a cheerful Kol enter the house. He did not show any signs of having a hangover. The youngest Original wolf whistled once he saw his new best friend wearing only a shirt and underwear.

"Sexy," Alice through the empty glass of water at Kol, who caught it with ease thanks to his vampire abilities.

"Piss off you damn leech." She mumbled before diving onto the couch, covering her eyes with a pillow to block out the light that poured into the room. "Damon!" She yelled, and he looked at her with bored eyes.


"Fetch me some breakfast, slave!" She ordered, not looking at him to know he was going to do it anyway. She was his best friend; he'd do anything for her. And just as she thought, Damon sighed before getting her some breakfast, smirking as an idea came to his mind.

"Here you go." The blue-eyed vampire said, handing his best friend a plate of pancakes. Alice nodded thanks before taking a huge bite. Chewing it, Damon watched impatiently and excitedly as he waited for her to scream. Waiting and waiting and waiting but nothing happened.

"If you think that by adding hot sauce to be pancakes is going to make me scream, then you are dead wrong."

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