ten: attack

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I slammed my palm on the ground, and some people looked at me weirdly, but then ignored me afterwards. I focused hard on my palm, and then paranormal runes appeared, as they shone bright, and after a few seconds, Hoseok appeared, wearing just a plain white shirt, jersey shorts, and the house sandals. People around me didn't see the runes, unless they have a third eye.

“What happened?”Hoseok asked,“I was busy on playing games with Taehyung... I was about to win, then you just su-”
“Psychics are after me. And they got Jungkook as a hostage.”I said, and Hoseok's eyes widened, “WHAT.”

“Yeah,”I said,as I snapped my fingers, and summoned the grocery bags towards me, “Just bring these home with you, so that they're not suspicious. Do not let the others know that I'm gonna get Jungkook from other Psychics, alright?” Hoseok got the bags, “Are you just-” “Yeah, I'm gonna get Jungkook, without trying to hurt anybody.. But if I go berserk, you know where I am..” I laughed.“But-”Hoseok said, I snapped my fingers, and he disappeared along with the groceries. I sighed.

I ran towards the alley where I found the guy in black.

And of course, I saw Jungkook on the ground, unconscious.


I looked around, looking for the guys in black, and I saw them, floating up in the air. I lifted my hands, and motioned them downwards, making the gravity let these guys fall on the ground with such force that it made cracks on the ground.

I put high gravity pressue on these guys, making them stay on their places and they cannot even move because of the strong gravity. I tried my best on not to kill these people.

They all grunted, trying to get out of the force, “Y-You d-demon!” One says, trying to claw himself out of the force. I clicked my tongue a few times, “If you just let me live peacefully and then you just stay contented on what abilities that you have, without trying to get mine, then this wouldn't even happen, alright?”I say, and then walked towards Jungkook, who was unconscious.

I placed my palm on his head, and after a few moments, he opened his eyes. He suddenly gasped, as he sat up, gasping for air, “W-Where are we?” he asked.

“Oh, in an alley a few yards away from the grocery store...”I say coolly, and just shrugged. Jungkook looked at these three people on the ground, trying to get out, “What are these people?” He went towards a person in black, and was about to enter the gravity zone ,“Do not go near them if you don't want to end up like that.”I say, and the Jungkook backed away immediately,“You did this?”

“Let's just go home.”I say,“Or else I'll let my powers slip and accidentally kill these people. ” Jungkook gulped, and he nodded, “Let's go.”  He went out of the alley first, and I followed him, leaving the guys alone.

They shouted and screamed, and I just can't bear it. I made the gravity stonger, and crushed them to a pulp, making their blood and insides explode inside that dark alley.


Some blood splattered on my arm, and I wiped it off. “What was that?”Jungkook asked, and was about to turn back, but then I made his head stay put, and not to look back, “Paint gun.”

“You killed them, didn't you?”Jungkook says, and I just let out a grin, “I don't kill innocent people.”


So Jungkook, Hoseok, and I made all of it a secret, and they didn't seem to notice that the groceries went first than us, and that's a good thing.

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