Contest 1 - Out at Seas

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Welcome to the first writing contest!

You and a friend just went on a cruise, but you suddenly get stranded on an island, it's been days and you're trying to survive. You've tried everything you can to get back home, but it's a wide open seas, and you don't know what is lurking out there. How will you get home? Will you get home?

Write in approx 1000 words what happens next.

Genre: Anything, but Adventure is recommended

This has to be a new story, or can be added into a book of short stories.

And yes, you can make up your own title.

This contest starts now until September 16th, 8 pm (MST). Tag your story #CStoryC and post the link in the comments section, we won't be accepting any links that are pmed or dmed. If you don't do those things, your story won't be considered.

Got questions? ask them in the comments section or pm either KEKamalP Or coversandcontests or just pm this account and ask to speak with one of us specifically or whatever.

Don't have to, but please do tag people who you think would love to join!

So go ahead, start writing!



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