Contest 2 - Results

89 9 10

Alright! Here we go...

3rd Place - The Lady's Ring by WrappedInABlanket

2nd Place - When by converse1036754

1st Place - Warped by When_Is_My_Adventure

Congratulations guys!

Don't forget to PM us (specifically KEKamalP) for prizes!


I just want to discuss something.

You may ask, isn't there a Honorable Mention?

Well, I would put that in there, but if you read the rules, and everything on the information pages, you would see that you have to do 2 things:

Tag the story #cstoryc and add your link in the comments section (unless you can't then we will bend that rule)

Sadly, not everyone did so, so I couldn't accept the entry. Just keep this in mind for our next contest.

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