Running 'Round Leaving Sars

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"Andrea, come here babe." Grayson held his arms out for a hug later on that night.

Andrea stepped into his embrace and he wrapped his arms around her tightly. He kissed the top of her head and sat down on the couch, placing her onto his lap.

"You alright now babe?" he asked as he stroked Andrea's cheek gently.

"Yeah I'm fine." She smiled.

She cuddled into his chest and they watched Eastenders.

"I love fatboy so much!" she swooned.

"He's not as good-looking as me, right?" quizzed, narrowing his eyes at me.

"No! Not at all dear!" she patted his head and giggled.

* * * * *

The front door swung open and Chandler walked in. Andrea tensed up in Grayson's arms as Chandler sat down beside her.

"Hey everyone!" he grinned.

The boys responded with either a hello, a nod or a grunt.

"Uh... hi Chandler." Andrea stammered.

"WRESTLING IS ON!!!" Jake cheered, grabbing the remote off Grayson and switching the channel.

She tried to focus on the TV, but she could feel Chandler's eyes burning though her.

Andrea felt so uncomfortable, and Chandler knew it. He could smell fear from a mile away and right now, she reeked of it. He took so much pleasure out of seeing her tremble with fear, it's almost like he thrives on it.

"I'm just going upstairs guys." Andrea spoke uneasily.

"Aw why don't you stay?" Jake pleaded.

"Yeah! JOHN CENA IS ABOUT TO WHIP CM PUNKS ASS!" Carter informed her.

Andrea was looking forward to that match all week.

"As tempting as that sounds, I can't. I've got a big test coming up." She sighed, needing an excuse to get away from Chandler.

"Ok. See you later then." Sam smiled.

Andrea exited the room and went into her own. She changed into her pyjamas, which consisted of a pair of Jake's boxers, Carter' socks and one of Grayson's t-shirts. She logged onto Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr. Tweeting and reblogging things here and there. She clicked into her mentions and saw that she had a tweet from Chandler.

Oh lord, kill me now.

@AndreaBabe.X - 'Heeeey babe ;)'

She rolled her eyes and ignored the message. Lastly, she went onto facebook to see that Chandler was online.


Chandler_Riggs: 'You cowardly slut.'

Andrea_Benevides.X: '?'

Chandler_Riggs: 'I'm going to kill you in scul 2morro.'

Andrea gulped and shut down her laptop. She sat back down on her bed and switched off the x-box. She plugged in the controller and began the game. It was wrestling, of course.

Chandler's only threatening you Andrea, he doesn't mean it.

Maybe she was over thinking this. After all, Chandler's an expert at playing mind games. But then again, she knew fully-well what Chandler is capable of.

* * * * *

Meanwhile, Sam and the rest of the boys were engulfed by wrestling. Chandler, who obviously had no interest whatsoever in wrestling, was on facebook texting Andrea and his girlfriend Lucy.

"Sam, what test is Andrea studying for?" Chandler asked.

As if he didn't know...

"A history one. It due tomorrow. Why?"

"WE'VE GOT A HISTORY TEST TOMORROW?!" Chandler exclaimed, pretending to be oblivious to the test.

"Yeah, did you not know?" Sam chuckled slightly.

"No I didn't. SHIT! I'm going to fail now!" Chandler grunted, racing his hands through his hair.

"Why don't you study with Andrea for a while upstairs?" Jake suggested, forever the idiot.

"Yeah that would be great! Is that ok with you Sam?" Chandler quizzed in an angelic tone.

"Yeah of course. You better not be kissing her when I come upstairs though." Sam winked, earning a howl of laughter off the others boys.

"I promise mate. Don't worry." Chandler laughed.

As if he would EVER kiss Andrea! Pft! In her dreams!

He wandered in the landing until he came across Andrea's room. No need for knocking, as he just burst into the room.

He stared at Andrea, who was playing the x-box in a t-shirt and a pair of boxers. She looked up from her game and fear immediately filled her eyes.

"W-What are you doing here Chandler?!" she exclaimed, backing away from him in sheer fright.

"I came here to study." He replied sarcastically. An evil glint appeared in his eyes.

"P-Please, just g-go away." Andrea stammered, still backing away.

"Aw is poor little Andrea afraid?" he taunted, coming closer to Andrea and making her shake with fear.

She hit the wall which meant she could no longer back away from him. Her whole body tensed up as he neared towards her.

"Chandler, leave me alone." Andrea spoke much more bluntly than she expected.

Chandler slapped her hard in the face, pain stinging her cheek as he did.

A tear fell from her eye, but she refused to ridicule herself anymore and didn't let Chandler see.

"See you in school tomorrow bitch." Chandler smirked as he left the room.

Andrea scurried into bed and turned off her lamp. She closed her eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep.

It wasn't what Chandler did to Andrea; it was the way he did it. He knew that she was afraid of him and took advantage of that.

Chandler stomped down the stairs and smiled warmly at the boys.

"That was quick!" Jake chuckled whilst munching on Doritos. Typical Jake.

"Yeah, we weren't going to get much work done anyways..." Chandler laughed slightly.

"You sitting down mate?" Carter quizzed.

"Nah. I'm going to go home. See you tomorrow guys." He responded and headed out the door.

* * * * *

Soon, it was getting late, so the boys decided to go to bed.

Sam edged into Andrea's room to find her fast asleep, her stomach rising and falling as she peacefully slept. He bent down and kissed her forehead.

"Night Andrea." He whispered.

He gazed at the deep cut on her head and sighed.

If only Andrea could take care of herself better, then Sam wouldn't have to worry so much...

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