Before The Fall

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It was a typical rainy october tuesday. I sprinted from my dads truck into to the school, the doors closing slowly behind me. I spot Elliot (Eli) and Jared, my friends from the football team. I head there way and catch part of the conversation they're having.

"and so she starts banging on the window and screaming, YOU SET ME UP FOR DATE RAPE! WHAT THE HELL?" says Jared. I stop and stand next to him.

"What the fuck dude?" I ask.

"Scotty's new girlfriend thought she was set up for date rape by Jared and Alison." explains Eli.

"I've sent her like 100 messages saying sorry and explaining that it was a trial prank for our secret halloween plan" cuts in Jared.

"Okay then." I say looking at them like their crazy. Well they are, I think. Our friend (also from the football team) Ty comes up to us.

"Nice job last night dudes." He sputters.

"Are you hungover again?" Eli asks, raising his eyebrows.

"Maybe..." Ty responds trying to look innocent. The bell rings and we part ways. I head down the hall towards Ms. Nee's science room when I guy I don't recognize slaps me on he back as he passes. 

"I'm hyped for announcements today." he says. I stare at him as he continues down the hallway and out the door. I continue to class, getting several slaps on the back and congratulations for last nights win. Being a quarterback has it's advantages, I think. I get to class, sit down and get out my books. I zone out as the announcements start, catching bits and pieces like "The Coyotes won 57-12" and "No gruesome  halloween costumes" stuff like that when Scotty pokes my back. 

"Hey, do you think that Jared and Alison actually set Kirsty up for date rape?" he asks, looking very concerned.

"From the way he was talking about it this morning, no, he said he'd sent her 100 messages explaining everything. He sounded sincere." I reassure him. Scotty smiles weakly and turns back to his phone, typing away. I am about to zone out again when a terrible noise comes screeching through the speakers. Everyone looks up and it stops, a new voice comes through the speakers.

"Good morning Southview High. We've taken a short break from our regular announcements for a very special secret spilling segment today but, in case your missed anything, the coyotes won 57-12, Mr. Hampton is away, no gruesome halloween costumes, blah blah blah. Back to the story. Firstly, Principle Haringway, stop trying to find me because you won't, and don't even think about cutting the power. I'm prepared for everything. Now sit back, relax, because you're in for a wild ride." he says. I recognize the voice as the boy who slapped my back this morning. Everyone looks at each other, terror in their eyes, because this could be about any one of them, any one of us. I look at Ms.Nee and she is frantically dialling the phone. She's one of the youngest teachers at Southview and is by far the nicest. The voice comes back and we stare up at the speaker.

" Now that you've all settled down a bit, let's get back to the story"says the voice calmly," Ryker Dean Griffithe..."

Sorry for such a short chapter, I can feel the glares I'm getting for ending it here but whatever. I hope you like this and have a good day. Stay beautiful- Ash

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