The game is afoot

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John had been attracted to his flat mate for quite a while now. He caught himself staring at Sherlock way too often, but until now there had always been the possibility that he was simply attracted to the other man's looks. That he wouldn't like Sherlock touching him - not that he had ever really considered that this could happen, but still. What he felt now was far from dislike. It felt so good, Sherlocks mouth pressed on his, their tongues moving against each other. Another small moan escaped him and he blushed slightly in embarrassment. His hands had moved to Sherlocks dark curls, pulling slightly on them. God, what was he doing?

Without any prior warning Sherlock pulled away from John, breathing heavily and a smirk plastered on his slightly swollen lips.

"You are brilliant, John!" Sherlock exclaimed, his hands still lingering on John's face, which wore a confused expression. "You were right; my brain just needed some sugar in order to work properly again. I solved the case! I'm going to Scotland Yard to tell Lestrade!" he jumped up, obviously pretty happy with his brilliance and ran out of the flat after quickly grabbing scarf and coat, leaving a still pretty confused doctor behind. John's brain needed a bit to proceed what he had just heard. When he finally understood John looked accusingly at his cinnamon roll. The plate had somehow managed to stay safe on John's lap while they were kissing.

"That's entirely your fault." John told the confectionery and furrowed his brows. If he had just bought the bloody patches instead of the cinnamon roll, then he wouldn't have to deal with his now confirmed feelings for his flat mate. His heart was still pounding hard, swamped with all the emotions pouring down on it. There was slight anger at Sherlock for being, well, himself and not thinking how his actions could affect others. Panic and fear that he would find out John's feelings and change his attitude towards him or would he even kick him out? Would he stop being friends with him? Well, that was unlikely as Sherlock wasn't one to be bothered by such trivialities. John felt excitement from the kiss, his lips were still tingling slightly, but at the same time he was still confused as to why Sherlock had decided to kiss him. His big ego wouldn't let him eat something sweet, but there had been other possibilities then to kiss John. He sighed. Who knew what goes on in that brain anyway? He shouldn't think too much about the kiss. Sherlock probably did it to test if one could get enough sugar through saliva or something like that and act like it never happened when he got back.  

After a while just sitting in the living room, John decided to go out, anything was better to just sit there, unable to stop thinking about the bloody kiss. Sighing loudly he grabbed his coat and headed out, aimlessly wandering around until he found himself in front of a supermarket, of which he knew had nicotine patches. It definitely wouldn't hurt if he bought a pack, before Sherlock tried to get his rush from anything, or anyone else. It seemed as if Sherlock always got what he wanted, like a spoiled little brat. John chuckled slightly because that was exactly what Sherlock was, a spoiled brat, throwing tantrums when he didn't get what he wanted, manipulating people in order to get what he desired anyway. John stopped dead in his tracks at this thought.

 Oh no, he didn't. Sherlock wouldn't dare to pull something like that with John, would he? But one could never know with Sherlock. It wasn't impossible that Sherlock kissed him in order to manipulate John into buying him the bloody patches. Sherlock knew John and his way of thinking, most of the time, and he surely knew that John would think it was because of a bloody experiment or because Sherlock didn't want to eat anything, but knew that his brain needed sugar. Great now he was totally confused. Had Sherlock really tried to manipulate him or did he come to a wrong conclusion? Maybe it wasn't entirely for the nicotine patches, but only partly and the rest because John had been right about the sugar.  John turned around and started to walk back home. Two could play that game. If Sherlock wanted nicotine patches he had to get them himself, which meant for Sherlock admitting defeat because he always, always made John buy him the things he wanted. Not this time, John determined and excited. There was a small voice in his head whispering to him that maybe, just maybe Sherlock would kiss him again. This would all be nothing more than a game to Sherlock, so he hopefully wouldn't analyze John's motives too much.

A sly grin spread across his face, one didn't mess with John Watson. He invaded Afghanistan after all. He went back to the supermarket and after looking through the rows with sweets he found what he was looking for. Strawberry candies. If Sherlock would take one candy he would admit that John was right, John's victory. Or Sherlock would buy the bloody patches himself. The third option was that Sherlock would kiss him again; John blushed slightly at this thought. Either way John would be satisfied with the result. The game was afoot!

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