Planning your next step

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The dark haired detective took a cab and told the driver to let him out in front of Scotland Yard. The traffic was not so terrific and they only moved forward slowly. Sherlock didn't mind, as he was in no hurry to get there. Right now he had to process his problem. It wasn't so much a problem, but more like a puzzle which he didn't know the correct solution to. Sherlock couldn't rely on his brain and his body had betrayed him. He looked out of the window, not really seeing the city pass by him. His train of thoughts always came back to the feeling of kissing John, his warm lips and ragged breath, his dilated pupils. Of course Sherlock had noticed all of this, even though his brain hadn't worked perfectly and hadn't been as fast as usual. He knew that John had liked the kiss and that he was attracted to Sherlock. Quite certainly did he want to kiss Sherlock again and for the consulting detective it wasn't any different. But he didn't know what to do from here on, never having felt anything similar to that before in his life. Working on an especially difficult case was the only comparison he could think of, but it was a different feeling. It was a pleasing one, but nothing like the nice feeling that came from being near John, from touching and kissing him.

Sherlock shook his head slightly, trying to focus and get his mind away from his doctor, but his thoughts seemed to swirl around until they came back to John. Was he able to take the next step without hurting John? Sherlock had no clue about relationships apart from how they theoretically worked. Did John even want a relationship with him? Relationships needed feelings. Sherlock frowned in concern, worry nagging at the back of his mind. What if John didn't have any feelings for him that went over the ones of a friend-who just happened to be badly attracted to his sociopathic flat mate- and be repelled from the offer of something more? Sherlock didn't want to lose his only friend, the only person who could put up with him and his moods. He trusted his deduction. John was definitely sexually attracted to him, but he couldn't be sure if there was more to it. If feelings were involved.

As for Sherlock, he definitely had more than just friendly feelings for John. Whenever John had flirted with a woman, Sherlock would feel sting of jealousy rush through him. At the beginning he didn't know what it was, but now it was quite clear to him and Sherlock also realized that he had always tried to keep John as close as possible to him. Ruining his dates deliberately to prevent John to be snatched away from him by some woman and behave as nasty as possible towards them without letting it seem to intentional. It had taken Sherlock quite some time to deduce his behavior, but now that he successfully did, he could no longer ignore the fact that he had feelings for John.

The game they played had been delightful and Sherlock had enjoyed it all along, the thrills it gave him, but now he wanted more. He didn't want it to be just a game anymore. But he had to plan his next step carefully, he couldn't allow even the smallest mistake. First he had to be confident if John would be willing to be more than just friends – who kissed each other occasionally – and wouldn't reject Sherlock. Easy. All he had to do was to wait and see if John wanted to continue their game.

Sherlock smiled confidently, he was absolutely positive that John did. His deduction just couldn't be wrong. No it couldn't. The smile that played around his lips faded away as fast as it had come. With his good doctor he could never be sure.

No, the signs had been unambiguous! He tried to convince himself, that it was only natural for him to feel a tiny bit insecure. It was normal to feel like that, he had no data from own experiences, but he knew from books that people felt like that before their love was confirmed by the other person.  Sherlock wrinkled his nose irritated. Love, that word sounded still kind of weird to him. The only times he used it was regarding his work and never in connection to an actually living human being. But it had a nice tingle to it. Maybe he could get used to it when it involved John. He would enjoy the thrills of their game as long as it would last and when he had confirmed John's feelings he would get what he wants.

Looking out of the window again, Sherlock saw that they would still need some time until they would be at Scotland Yard. He tapped his fingers on his trouser impatiently and when they finally reached it, he hurriedly paid the driver and rushed out. Hopefully they'd have a new case for him, so that their game could continue where it left off. Sherlock practically sprinted up the stairs and barged into Lestrade's office.

"The nephew is the murderer. The scratch marks of the victim should still be visible on his back. They struggled and he threw her over the roof, but the victim tried to grab a hold of him and thus the scratches of his back. They had an affair. Check for his DNA in the back of his car. Is there a case for me?" Sherlock spoke swiftly, without taking a single breath in between.

Lestrade just raised an eyebrow to him, probably surprised by the fact that Sherlock had forgotten to insult the police in some way. He moved his feet from the desk and stood up.

"Good to see you too", Lestrade said sarcastically and grabbed the case file from his desk "No, there is no new case for you. How do you know- " Sherlock didn't let him finish the sentence, already turning around and rushing back downstairs, ignoring Anderson and the opportunity to annoy him. Why didn't they have a new case for him? What were all the criminals doing?

The same trick wouldn't work twice on John, that was for sure. Sherlock decided to walk back home, he was too agitated to sit still. The tone of his text alert sounded and Sherlock pulled it out from his pocked. His heart made a hard thud and Sherlock stopped dead in his tracks. It was from John.

Get some milk


A calculating grin appeared on his features. This was just the opportunity he needed. There was no need for a case now. This plan was even better. It was terrific!

There was a convenience store nearby and Sherlock went in and after he got milk he went straight to the shelves with the sweets. He looked through the different sorts until he found  what he was looking for. Strawberry candy.


Hope their are not so many mistakes >_<  I haven't read it again because I still have to lern for a few tests in school. So feel free to point them out to me, I'll correct them! XD

As promised a longer chapter and I hoped I didn't mess up Sherlock's train of thought too much ;P I will try to write the next chapter as soon as I can XD

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