A distracting game - Extra Chapter One

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It couldn't be this difficult. All the clues were lying right in front of him! And by the look of it, it was obvious that this was the work of an amateur.  John finished walking around the body and stopped by his side. What did he miss? Sherlock pondered while bending down to get a closer look of the dead body lying in front of him. John moved closer, only a little space left between them. It was a woman, dark hair, in her late thirties. John's hand grazed his. She had been strangled with a tie and then dumped into the Thames. John pulled out a candy, rustling with the packing of it before shoving the sweet into his mouth. Probably murdered last night and then washed up this morning. It smelled like-

"Sherlock, what have you got for us?" Lestrade walked up to him from behind, expecting the hear something brilliant from the consulting detective and wondering why Sherlock hadn't already bragged with his findings.

"Shut up and leave me alone! I need to concentrate and you are distracting me!" Sherlock snapped and darted around to face the detective inspector. It was a pathetic lie, because Lestrade wasn't disturbing him at all. Sherlock just needed to properly concentrate. John bit down on the candy in his mouth, making a loud crunching noise.

Easier said than done with the cause of his distracted and slightly confused mind right beside him. Sherlock wasn't used to his mind wandering off and ignoring his command to move its focus back on a case. He glared at John, trying to look as furious as possible, but the smirk that appeared on John's lips told him that he couldn't fool his good doctor so easily. His body craved to feel John, a part his brain agreeing eagerly, but Sherlock tried to ignore its wishes as usual. Only that this time he wasn't successful with it. Sherlock couldn't let his work get affected by his needs! Both his mind and body were betraying him that was just inexcusable. He was supposed to stand above these things.

"Trouble concentrating, Sherlock?" John asked him in mock concern with a devious look on his face, his tongue darting out and moving over his lower lip in a swift motion. That bloody habit of his! It wasn't helping the consulting detective to focus on the case in any way. Sherlock knitted his brows in suspicion. No, John had done it on purpose. That was enough of that distracting game John played on him, Sherlock decided, a thrilling kind of anticipation rising in his chest. There was only as much he could take and that had done it.

"You won't mind helping me to get my brain to work properly again, won't you? I think I need some sugar" Sherlock stated as calmly as he could, but not quite managing to suppress the liltingly sound of his voice. Before John had a chance to express his surprise, Sherlock had already bend towards his doctor and crashed their lips together, one hand pressed against the doctor's neck. John obviously hadn't expected for Sherlock to react like this in front of whole Scotland Yard, Sherlock noticed and smiled into their rough kiss. He parted John's lips with his tongue, invading his mouth and obtaining the candy before John had even the slightest chance to react and a quiet moan escaped his mouth before he could stop it.

Sherlock pulled back with a satisfied smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. His brain was reminding him of the tingling sensation of John's mouth, but at least he could concentrate of the case now.  He bit down on the candy, imitating John's previous action. Said doctor just stood there, mouth still parted ever so slightly and his eyes darted over to a shocked Lestrade. Anderson choked on something in the background and started to cough violently.

The consulting detective turned around to the body, quickly analyzing every detail again and snorted as everything fell into place. Too easy. Some sugar now and then was definitely good for his brain.


Once uponb a time I promised someone to write an extra and HERE IT IS!!! XD

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