Chapter Five

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Yo! Sorry that it's so short. I've been sick lately so yeah...

Enjoy x

Everything went black as I heard an thundering explosion.


My eyes flickered open, startled by the bright lights. I was in a bed, a bed I didn't recognize. I turned to the side and observed my surroundings. White walls, white sheets, TV monitors. A hospital. I almost had a heart attack when I realised I had been hooked up to a heart monitor machine.

What if... what if shrapnel entered my body and I've been hooked up to an electromagnet?

Am I Iron Man?

No, wait Iron Woman.

My head pounded with each beat of my heart on the machine. Why was I here? I inspected myself I had some bruises, cuts and grazes but nothing severe enough to make me lose conciseness. Suddenly, that didn't matter anymore. Where was Roy?

A doctor walked into the room, holding a clipboard and inspecting it carefully.

"WHERE IS ROY!?" I screamed.

The doctor, startled by this, jumped back before answering, "Calm down, Miss Green."

"No I will not calm down! What happened to Roy?" Then I began to spiral out of control, "Is he dead!? Tell me he's not dead."


"Oh god! The mafia killed him, didn't they?"

"The mafia?"

"Yeah, I think they were driving the Ferrari. They killed him! Did our car explode? Did he die that way?"

"Miss Green-"

I got out of the hospital bed and walked over to the doctor putting my hands on his shoulders.

"TELL ME HE DIED A NOBLE DEATH!" I yelled, shaking him violently.

My phone began to ring, playing Smooth Criminal by Michael Jackson.

"HE WAS SHOT!?" I yelled upon hearing the ringtone.

"Y- yes. How did you know?" The doctor stammered.

"Wait for it-" I said.

"You've Been Hit By, You've Been Struck By A Smooth Criminal," the phone blared.

"I have to see him!" I yelled, plucking the Iron Man cables off my body.

"Aren't you gonna answer that?" The doctor asked.

I ran out of the hospital room and into the corridor, much to the doctor's surprise. I had no idea where I was going and it was only when a familiar voice yelled my name that I stopped.

"Roy!" I yelled, searching for him.

"Room Twenty-three," he called.

I full-on sprinted to room twenty-three.

"You're alive!" I screamed, tears of joy running down my face.

I hugged Roy tight and stayed there, crying into his shoulder. Once I pulled away and wiped my eyes, I noticed his left forearm was bandaged, blood seeping through the white material.

"What happened?" I asked in shock.

"They got me. I was really lucky though; it missed the bone and major arteries and travelled out the other side."

"How is that lucky?"

"Well, if the bullet had stayed in, it would've caused a lot more damage than it did."

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2012 ⏰

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