Chapter Two

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So, it has been brought to my attention that I have been going a bit fast. I'm sorry, I can't help it. I get over-excited \(^0^)/  I will try and slow it down for you!

Picture of Roy at the side. I apologise for him having brown hair. You have no idea how hard I edited that photo to make his hair blonde and none of it worked -_-" so just use your imagination!

Enjoy x

And there, lying motionless and pale on the ground was Giselle, with a stiletto heel sticking out of her neck.

As I turned away from the ungodly sight, acidic bile rose up to my mouth. I forced it back down, trying as best I could to keep a calm composure. Flo remained calm and level-headed and called the police. Antonio, on the other hand, was freaking out. 

"Who? Why? Oh go-o-o-o-d!" he cried.  

"Antonio, your mascara's running," I whispered, which sent him into an even worse state.  

"Noooooooo! This is not fair!" he yelled.  

"What do we do? There's three minutes to go," Flo reminded him after she hung up.  

"I don't care. We don't have a hope," he wailed.

I walked up to Antonio and slapped him right in the face, a loud crack resounding around the tent.  

"Antonio, you told me I had one shot - one shot only - and I'll be damned if I'm going to lose it because some bitchy model was murdered," I whispered fiercely.  

"You're right," he nodded, regaining his composure.  

"Two minutes people!" Flo yelled.  

"Quick Antonio, we have to get Luciana into the dresses," I reminded him.  

"There's no time." 

"But you said if anything went wrong with Giselle, that Lu-" 

"I know, but she's already dressed."  

"One minute, people," Flo announced.  

"Shut the fuck up," Antonio yelled at her.  

"But who's going to take Giselle's place?" I asked.  



"Yes, you, Torah."  

"B-b-but I look like a chicken on crack, a-a-and the dresses won't fit me!" I protested.  

"We'll make 'em fit. Hair, makeup! On Torah STAT!" he yelled.

Hair and makeup crews appeared from every direction and pulled me onto a chair before beginning their routine to make me beautiful.

"And we're live!" Flo yelled.  

I looked at Antonio with worry flashing in my eyes.  

"Don't worry. The announcer will talk for a bit and then we start but you'll be going last out of Majestique Designs," Antonio explained.  

"Thank God," I heaved a sigh of relief.

"What's going on?" Luciana asked at the sight of me being make-upped.  

"Giselle has been," Antonio leaned in, whispering, "murdered." 

"What?" Luciana said, delight spreading across her face. "Well, where are the dresses? I'll have to change quickly before we're on." 

"But you're already dressed, Lu, dear. Torah is going to model them instead." 

Luciana's face grew cold and fierce, sending a death glare my way before turning away, flicking her jet black hair in my direction.

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