Chapter One

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Hey guys! This is my new book so bare with me because I've never written this genre before.

Inspired by the 'High Heels Mysteries' by Gemma Halliday.

Enjoy x

"Paris Fashion Week," Antonio announced, clapping his hands together. "Ideas?"

All the heads of Majestique Designs were seated at a large oval table listening to the founder, Antonio Lopez, voice his opinions for the Paris Fashion Week. I stood outside the door, quietly listening to their conversation, absorbing everything that was being said.

"No, no, no!" Antonio yelled. "Paris Fashion Week is about showing off trends and making them as outrageous as possible so we catch people's eye; so they remember Majestique Designs as the big name in fashion." 

"What about denim?" One of the executives piped up.  

"Denim is outdated! We need new, current trends; trends that haven't even become trending yet," Antonio yelled. "We need someone who is young and current," Antonio snapped his fingers, trying to think. "The work experience girl!" He said, his eyes lighting up.

That was me. I ran to the water cooler, pulled out a cup and filled it in an attempt to disguise my eavesdropping, in the event that they actually need me. I had been doing work experience here for two weeks; I was supposed to be helping design clothes but all I've done so far is ordering materials, handing out mail and getting people coffee and lunch. Certainly not how I had expected it to work.

Now that we were nearing Paris Fashion Week, the company was constantly buzzing. Wherever you went, people were talking about it. It had always been a dream of mine to showcase my designs at Paris Fashion Week and I thought maybe I'd have a chance if I worked here, but so far things haven't been going to plan.

"Well? What are you waiting for? GET. ME. TORAH!" Antonio yelled. I quickly arrived at the board room, wondering what use I was to them.  

"I heard my name," I said as I knocked on the open door.  

"Yes Torah, please come in. Take a seat, we have to talk to you," he explained.  

"Antonio, with all due respect, there aren't any seats available," I replied.  

"You see people? This," he said pointing to me, "Is what we need. This girl is on the ball."  

A murmur of acknowledgement sounded before Antonio spoke again.  

"You're right, Torah. There isn't a seat for you. Ummm, Jerry, what's your job again?" Antonio asked Jerry.  

"Vice-president of sports apparel," he replied.  

"What the bloody hell are you doing here!?" Antonio screamed. "Get out, get out; we are NOT showing sports apparel in Paris."

Jerry left, head low and Antonio motioned for me to sit in Jerry's seat which I did quickly.  

"So Torah, what would YOU show off at Paris?" Antonio asked.  

"Ummm, well, laces are going to big, I think," I replied, hoping to sound confident.  

"Laces?" he asked, one eyebrow raised.  

"Yeah, you know, shoelaces. What are people's number one comfort shoe?" I asked.  

"Crocs!" An executive yelled.  

The room fell silent, all eyes on the person who yelled that.  

"Sarah, sweetie, you're fired," Antonio told her.  

"Wha- why?" she asked.  

"Run along," he shooed her away and Sarah left in a similar manner to Jerry.

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