Imagine #2 sad/fight/cute

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I sat down on the couch waiting for Justin to arrive. He is late for our date again. Every date night he never comes on time and I am starting to get worried.

2 hours have gone past and there is STILL no sign of him.

I decided to give up. it was getting pretty late, so I walked up the stairs and got ready for bed. Once I was dressed, I made once last look out the window before climbing into bed.

2 hours later••••••••••••••

I woke up to someone calling my name.



"Hey, it's me."

I looked up and saw Justin. Ok, he's going to get it.

"What the hell are you doing here?!"

"Ummmm, it's date night??" he looked confused.

"Uhh, yeah it WAS date night about 5 hours ago!!!" I was starting to get annoyed.

"Look, I'm sorry, but I got caught up..."

At this point, I'm out of bed and pacing around the room. I needed to calm down or else I'm going to do something I will regret.

"Caught up with what Justin?....."

"Uh........i........can't tell you......"

"Of course you can't because you were cheating on me weren't you!!"

Justin's face went white as a ghost and his mouth dropped. Slowly that white face turned a deep red and his once gorgeous caramel eyes turned black.

"Excuse me?! You think I was cheating on you?!?! I might as well have been cheating on you if you would think I would do such a thing!"

I realised how much I just hurt him but I just couldn't stop the words coming out of my fricken mouth.

" Who knows what you do! Every date night, I wait for you but you either show up incredibly late or not at all! So how the hell do you expect me not think that your cheating?!"

His face dropped again. He sat down on the bed and a tear ran down his face. This is the first time I have seen my boyfriend cry.

"I'm so sorry Y/N, I love you so much. I'm not cheating on you I promise."

"Well then what are you doing?"

I went and sat down next to him and put my hands in my lap. I turned and faced him and he looked back at me with those gorgeous caramel eyes I fell in love with.

"I have been in the studio, making a song for you. It was going to be an anniversary present for you. I was an idiot to think that you wouldn't catch on to my disappearing act. I'm so sorry Y/N."

"How am I supposed to believe you? You could be lying to cover it up."

He pulled out his phone and played a new song that I haven't heard before.

"It's called One Life. I was going to play it on our anniversary but I guess now is okay."

He was telling the truth. My eyes started tearing up. I felt so bad that he had to play his surprise gift for me because I didn't believe him.

" I'm so sorry babe, I'm so sorry that I didn't believe you!"

I started to cry. Justin moved closer to me and pulled me into his chest. He rubbed my back and gave me kisses on my head every now and then.

"It's okay sweetie. I understand. I love you Y/N."

I looked up at him and stared into those eyes I love.

"I love you too Justin."

He leaned in and gave me a kiss. I smiled into his lips which made him smile in return.

"Okay, how about we put on a movie and cuddle on the couch, how does that sound my gorgeous girl?"

I blushed and gave him a small kiss.

"That sounds perfect."


Hey guys! sorry I haven't updated in ages! Been very busy and had an emotional roller coaster this year. but I'm back! will be updating my other books too, so look out for those coming up!

Luv ya x

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