Fall Sweet/cute

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Your POV:

Justin is finally coming back from tour. He has been gone for way too long and I have missed him so much! I have to pick him up from the airport today, I am super excited to see him. I quickly rush out of bed and have a shower. Once I made sure the temperature was right, I got in and washed myself. While I was in there I found myself thinking about Justin. I wonder how much he has changed? I got out of the shower, dried myself and dried my hair. I put on a pair of ripped skinny jeans with a black tank. I tied the back of the shirt so it would be tighter on me and show a bit of my stomach. I ran into the bathroom and put my makeup on, keeping it all natural. I rushed down stairs and put on my ugg boots and ran out the door to my car.

Once I was in the car, I took a deep breath. I have major feelings for Justin but I have never told him because I didn't want to ruin my friendship with him. We have been best friends since we were babies. I can't help but think that he doesn't see me the same as I see him.
My thoughts got interrupted when I realised that I had arrived at the airport. I closed my eyes, and took another deep breath and got out the car, locking it and walking to where his gate is. I am so nervous to see him but at the same time super excited. My stomach felt like it was doing flips and my head was starting to throb. Why am I freaking out over this? It's just Justin, your best friend who you have had feelings for for ages.... Yeah that is not helping at all.
I looked up and noticed that his plane had landed and some of the crew was walking in my direction. Alfredo looked up and noticed me.
"Y/N! Long time no see!"
"Hi Fredo." He gave me a huge hug. He pulled away with a huge smile on his face. I looked over Fredo's shoulder to see if I could find Justin.
"Don't worry Y/N, he was just getting his remainder of luggage off the plane, he will be here soon."
I blushed, realising that Fredo knew what I was doing.
"I'm not worrying that much, I'm just very anxious to see him. I haven't seen him for the past 3 years and I haven't even heard from him for like 2 years. I just hope I like what I see, that's all."
"It's okay, he hasn't changed one bit," Fredo put his hand on my shoulder," maybe just his hair and he got tattoos, but that's about it."
"Wait.... He got more tattoos?"
"Yeah, and you might like one of them." He had this huge smirk on his face. Damn, now I really want to know what it is.
I looked up and noticed this guy running towards me with his hair all up in a quiff and tattoos all down his arms..... JUSTIN!
I ran over to him and met him halfway. I jumped on him causing Justin to step back a few steps and drop his luggage. Tightly embracing each other, we cried into each others necks.
"I have missed you so much." He exclaimed into my neck.
"I missed you too, so so much!"
He put me down and looked me up and down.
"You are getting more beautiful every day."
"But you haven't seen me for 3 years, so how would you know?"
"Because you are stunning right now..... Just perfect."
I blushed and hugged him again, wrapping my arms tightly around his torso.
"Please don't leave me like that again."
"I won't, I promise."
I smiled into his chest.
"Okay you two, let's go!"
We let go, Justin grabbed his bags and then we walked to the cars. I went over to my car, you guys can meet me back at my place. They nodded and got in their cars. Justin walked over to me.
"I will go with you, I have been away from you for too long, I don't want to be away from you again."

We got in the car and started heading back to my place to chill and catch up on everything we missed out on these last few years apart.
"So, Fredo said that there was a tattoo of yours that I would like.... Which one is it?"
He pulled up his sleeve on his left arm and there was a tattoo of a girl with angel wings.
"This one... It's actually supposed to be you." He blushed, (me squealing on the inside)
"Awwww that's so sweet! But why me?"
He looked over at me with so much love in his gorgeous caramel eyes.
" Because you are my angel.."
I blushed and held his hand while my other hand was on the wheel.
"I missed you J"
"I missed you too baby girl "
He smiled. I have missed this.

We arrived back home and got all he luggage out. We decided that Justin would spend a few days here so we can catch up. I personally love this plan.... We sat on the couch and talked. We have been talking and laughing for hours now. After dinner, I put the fire on and we sat having some dessert and again talked.
"So how is Zac?" Justin looked at me.
" oh, me and him broke up a year after you left. It just wasn't working out, especially since he was cheating on me for like 6 months with one of my friends, Hailey."
Justin pulled me in for a hug.
" I'm sorry.... But to tell you the truth, I'm glad you aren't with him anymore."
I pulled away from the hug and looked into his eyes.
"Whys that?"
He took a deep breath and looked away from me.
"This is harder then I thought..." He mumbled to himself, loud enough for me to hear.
He looked at me and held my hands.
"Y/N, when I was away, I never stopped thinking of you. I missed your smile, your laugh, your voice, everything! But even if you weren't there with me, my feelings for you still grew... What I'm trying to say is.... I love you, I really truly love you with all my heart baby girl. I can't stop thinking about you! And when I saw you with other guys, I nearly just about lost it! I couldn't stand seeing you with guys that weren't right for you! Sorry if I have ruined our friendship -"
" Justin you haven't at all! I have had massive feelings for you for ages!! I love you so damn much J!!"
He pulled me close to him and kissed me with everything he had. I could feel the love and passion and warmth he had for me all in this one kiss. I really truly love this guy!
It was the start to a long and loving relationship!
Sorry that I haven't updated in ages!!! But here you go! Hope you enjoy!

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