Chapter Seven

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It is after midnight. I wake up screaming from a nightmare, and a few minutes later someone comes busting through the door. I throw my alarm clock at whoever it is all the while still screaming.

Hey it's me Mike. Are you okay? Please don't throw anything else at my head.

It takes me a minute to focus, but I finally realize it is Mike in the room with me. What are you doing here?

Kellin asked me to stay with you when I came by around eight to check on you. You were asleep. Are you okay?

I shake my head no as tears start filling my eyes and then I am sobbing hysterically.

Mike looks like he doesn't know what to do. I am going to pack you a bag and then you are going home with me. You need Vic I don't know what the fuck to do to help you.

I would never admit it out loud, but I really do need Vic's arms around especially with the nightmare fresh in my mind. Mike comes back with a packed bag and I follow him.

Mike is on the phone trying to call Vic as soon as we are on the way. He hangs up the phone with a few choice words when he doesn't get an answer.

I sit there is silence with tears rolling down my face.

Are you okay? I know that stress is not good for the baby.

He told you about the baby?

Yeah he told the whole band about the baby. He is going to wait a little while before telling Mom and Pops. He said something about some tests.

They want to run a couple of tests to make sure me and the baby are going to be okay. He told me to reduce as much stress as I can. I am going to have to hire a couple of people to help me run Music for Kids. I plan on only going in a couple days a week.

I want you to think about moving in with me and Vic temporarily so we can be there to help you at any time. We have a guest room. We discussed taking a year off from touring to write new music and put out a new album. We decided for sure earlier today that is what we are going to do. A statement has already been released to our fans.

Thanks I still haven't told Rachel that is one conversation I don't want to have.

She loves you everything will be okay.

We are here. Come on let's go find Vic. You need some rest put everything else aside for right now.

I follow Mike up the stairs, and to Vic's room without even knocking he opens the door.

Mike what the hell I am trying to get dressed he says pulling his boxers the rest of the way up.

I step into the room behind Mike without thought I am throwing myself at Vic who stumbles as he catches me, but still manages to wrap me in his arms safely. I am so scared Vic. What if something is wrong?

Then I will be there to help you through it. We are in this together forever Em no matter what. Come on you need some rest, and so do I. Vic leads me to his bed and helps me lay down before pulling me into his arms after turning off the light. No matter what you think I love you Ems. I will do anything to prove that to you.

I don't say anything as I feel sleep taking over. I cuddled down further into Vic with a small smile. I am finally home where I belong and maybe that is all that matters.

The next morning I wake up warm with the smell of Vic surrounding me. I feel at peace for the first time in along time. Everything will be okay as long as I am in Vic's arms.

You know it is still creepy to wake up to someone staring at you even if you love that someone very much.

I feel a big smile crossing my face as I start giggling. I love you to Vic that was never the problem the problem was you cheating on me. I know that you were scared Vic but that doesn't make what you did okay. I don't know that I can ever get passed it, but I am willing to give you a chance to prove I can trust you again. It is not going to be easy.

I will do whatever it takes to make you believe I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you and our baby.

I am willing to give you a chance, but I am not making any promises. And I want a room of my own after tonight. We are starting from the beginning. We are friends only for right now.

Well if tonight is all I get for now. I want to show you how much I love you. I will start by kissing every inch of your beautiful skin. I am going to take hours to show you how much I love you.

I know that I shouldn't give in to Vic so easy, but I need his touch as much as he needs to give it to me.

Several hours later we are both breathless, and I am seriously hoping no one else is up.

We have a guest room downstairs with its own bath. I will help you get setup in there after a nap.

I nod my head and fall asleep once again in Vic's arms.

I wake up several hours later in the bed alone. I sit up and head straight for the bathroom. Morning sickness has been a bitch not even crackers help most mornings. I feel someone gently hold my hair back while I continue to try and puke up everything I ate yesterday.

Do you go through this every morning Vic asks as he helps me up off my knees?

Yeah pretty much. It is more like all day sickness that hits when it wants to. Sometimes I can keep food down other times it comes straight back.

Do you think you could eat some breakfast or do you need a little while?

Do you have oatmeal? For some reason I can usually keep it down in the mornings.

I will send Mike out to pick some up right now.

Is he even awake?

Yeah we have been up talking for a little while.

Okay thanks I say as I start brushing my teeth.

Come on down when you are ready. I already put your bag in the guest room.

At some point I need to go get some more of my stuff, and get my car so I have a way to get back and forth to Music for Kids. Before you say anything I will only be going in two days a week to oversee a few things. Remember Lucas he is taking over, and I have interviews to hire a couple of people to help him out. We also have a pretty good list of volunteers too.

If there is anything I can do to help please let me know.

Don't worry I will.

I better go see about your oatmeal.


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