(7) Requested for angie

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Angie pov
My life is amazing right now I just finished school so no more school for me I have amazing family and great friends and amazing wonderful boyfriend name Bradley will Simpson me and brad been together for 2 years now that's not long like the others boys but I don't care I love brad and he loves me I love our relationship so much only thing I hate is the hate I get from fans saying I'm no good for Brad or I'm just using him but I'm not I love brad for him not for his career
His makes me happy he my everything I love him with all my heart but today everything change
Today I woke up with a pair of arms around my body I turn to face to see brad and I smile and I hear soft snores coming out his mouth as I'm watching him I decided to get up and get ready for the day as I'm washing my face I started to feel sick I run to the toilet and got sick for 8 minutes as I'm finished I brush my teeth as I'm finished I got sick again after I'm finished I brushed teeth again as I'm brushing them I started thinking I'm two weeks late I can't be pregnant can I after brushing my teeth I got dress when I finished got dressed I walk out the bathroom and I saw Brad still sleeping I quietly put my shoes on and grab my purse and grab my keys and I walk out the house and drive to the store as I got the store I grab three pregnancy tests just in case then I pay for them and drive back home soon I got home I drink three cups of water just in case after I'm finished I went to the bathroom and did my business after I'm finished I pick the sticks and they all say pregnant as soon I read it I started crying happily I always wanted a child but does Brad went one so much is going through my head then I decided to call the doctors to make sure I'm pregnant as I'm calling the doctor and ask for appointment so I give them my name my DOB and other information once I'm done I walk downstairs and I see brad sitting on the couch I walk over to him and kissed his cheek and told him I'm going to see my mom witch I'm  really going to the doctors he kissed me back and said ok I leave again once I got to doctors they told me to seat In the waiting room after 30 minutes later
They call me back then the doctor came in the room and told me to lay down and lift my shirt up and put some gel on then all sudden I hear a noise echoing in the room and the doctor said there's your baby
I'm pregnant I say
Yes you are congratulations he says
Thank you I say after the doctors I drive back home and i see brad not on the couch or the kitchen so I went to our bedroom and I see brad laying on the bed with his laptop he looks at me and smile and puts his laptop away then walks over to me and sits me down on the bed
I missed you he say kissing my lips
I missed you to Brad I say pulling away from him
Brad we need to talk I say seriously
Okay what about he asked
Well this morning I woke up and I decided to get dress and start the day but I was cleaning my face I felt sick then I realized I'm two weeks late and when you were sleeping I went to the store and brought three pregnancy tests and they all said I'm pregnant then I made appointment to go the doctors and they say I was two weeks pregnant I say
So you didn't go to your moms today he asked
I just nod my head no
Then pulls me in for a hug and kissed my lips and said
I love you Angie so much and this baby I'm going to be a dad with the woman I love I'm so happy
Really I say
Yes I love you you my whole world and you telling me your pregnant is the best thing he say
I love you brad I say
I love you too Angie so much he say
Kissing my lips

My boyfriend and my child are the two best things that ever happened to me my life is amazing
This one is for the beautiful Angie I hope you like it if you don't i will change it and make it better if you want me to
Love you

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