Chapter Nine

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1868, Carstrid Port

Adelyn had lost count of how many times she had mopped the deck in the past two days, but she imagined the number was high. There wasn't much else to do, but she'd suspected as much when she first boarded. She wondered how long it would be before she followed through with her previous thought of washing all of the portholes on the vessel.

When they came back into the view of land, Adelyn saw a cloud of smoke over the city they were fast approaching. It had a dark era about it, and it gave Adelyn a terrible feeling that she couldn't explain. She suddenly understood exactly what Nikolai and Nina had been talking about.

When they neared the port, it was in the middle of the night. Adelyn was still wide awake, though, unlike most of the crew. She hadn't been able to get much sleep over the past few days, for which she wasn't sure. Her body was begging to rest, but she never seemed to be able to comply.

Adelyn stood up on the main deck, leaning over the front of the ship. Just below her, a carving of a siren had been made from a block of wood, stained a shade darker than the boards that made up the ship. When she'd first seen it, she'd practically climbed over the railing to get a better look of it. She'd shrunken back after she'd seen how terrifying the sculpture really was.

Where she'd expected to see a smile, she'd seen dagger-like teeth that reminded her of a shark. It's jaw was open and wide, and ready to sink it's fangs into anyone who dared to put their arms too close. Of course Adelyn knew it was nothing more than a wood carving, but it had still managed to scare her a few feet backwards.

Now, Adelyn was transfixed by the city they neared. She was too focussed on trying to see it through the dense night to care about the mermaid beneath her feet. She could just make out the lights at the end of the dock, and those that lit windows dimly just beyond it. Despite how scared she was, something brought on by Nik and Nina's cautious words, she was more than a little excited to have her feet on something that wasn't floating.

She heard footsteps behind he as someone made their way up the steps from the main deck. Adelyn didn't bother turning around-- over the past two days, she'd learnt that the person that usually lurked behind her was Nikolai.

"Carstrid, in all it's glory." Nik said, moving beside her. "We'll be there within the hour."

Adelyn nodded, "Is this just a 'restock and set off' kind of thing? Or will we be staying a while?"

"Probably be there until tomorrow evening, I'd guess." He said, looking over at her. His fingers drummed on the railing in front of them, and Adelyn took comfort in the sound. It masked that of the water the ship cut through-- the sound she'd been hearing non-stop for two days. "Why?"

"I might go look for a book, or four." Adelyn said, smiling. "There's not much to do on this ship."

"You could always swab the deck," Nik said with a grin. He knew very well how often she swabbed the deck. "I've sent Xavier to wake the men, so we can get ready to dock."

Adelyn nodded, "Is anything going to be open this late, do you think?'

"Only if you're interested in drinks." Nikolai said, smiling. Adelyn supposed he was right-- the only places that were likely to be open right then were the taverns. She felt him tap her arm, and she turned her head towards him. "How's your hand healing?"

"Alright." Adelyn said, eying the loose bandage on her hand. She'd checked it earlier in the evening, and though the skin was no longer raw and painful, it had yet to scab over. She knew it would leave a scar, but she wondered if the arrow would be there forever. Would it always move to point south, rippling her skin for life? Not even Nik knew the answer to that, and it frustrated her. "I wish I could take this darned bandage off.

"Not a good idea," Nikolai laughed, "there are still men on this ship that I don't fully trust with that kind of knowledge."

"Why are they a part of your crew, then?" Adelyn asked. Nik shrugged, suddenly looking solemn. Adelyn got the impression this wasn't something he liked talking about. She decided not to push it.

"You should get some sleep. You can check out those book shops in the morning."

"You're probably right," Adelyn said, though she didn't move right away. She wanted to stay up so she could get off the ship as soon as possible. Book store or not, she could still do with a walk that didn't involve dead-ends every thirty steps. Still, Adelyn pushed away from the railing, slowly making her way down the stairs to the main deck.

"Goodnight, Adelyn." Nikolai called after her. Adelyn looked over her shoulder and smiled at him while she walked, but she said nothing. His words had been so quiet that she didn't think he was looking for her to say anything back.

In her room, Nina was passed out on her bed, a leg and an arm hanging over the edge. She'd spent most of the evening drinking with the rest of the crew, just as she had the night before. Adelyn wondered how they managed to keep such a big supply of rum and gin on board if they drank as much as they did every night. They'd gone through two barrels in two days. Adelyn wasn't sure even the Rat's Den tavern went through that much.

Adelyn flipped the lock on the door behind her, something she did every night, and crawled into the hammock just behind it. It wasn't exactly comfortable, but Adelyn had gotten used to the awkward angle and the fact that it swung whenever she moved. Part of her would have rather slept on the floor, but there was so little space in the room she was worried Nina might step on her when she woke.

Adelyn's eyes closed, but her mind was wide awake. She felt every jolt and shake that the ship made as it sailed into the port, and she heard the ticking of the anchor as it was lowered. Adelyn wanted to crawl right back out of the hammock and get off the ship, but the weight of her eyelids held her in place.

Adelyn wondered what kind of dangers lurked in the streets of Carstrid, and what tomorrow would bring her.

She couldn't help but feel eager for the adventure.


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