Suggestions and Comments

3.3K 107 21

Hey, guys! So, some of you are wondering what's up with the sequel, and here's your answer:

So, A Game Of Changing Tides is the first book that I have ever completed, so it has a really big spot in my heart, and so do all of you for following me in this journey. I'm so happy to have this out there and to have readers who love it as much as I do. In regards to this, I'd like to ask for any feedback or suggestions that you guys might have in regards to the book itself! Anything that came to mind while reading would be really helpful to me, as I'm really only here to get better at what I do. I love writing and I LOVE AGOCT but as I said, this is a first draft of my first completed work, so I know there's definitely some room for improvement!

In this sense, the sequel had been put on hold for the time being. From where I stand, I just don't think I'd be able to give it my all without knowing I've done everything I can to improve this first book. I know there are definitely some changes that need to be made here before I can move on to the next step. After all, this book was 1.5 years in the making, and I'm sure I made one or two (or 20) contradictory descriptions in there.

With that being said, I'd really appreciate any feedback you guys can offer me, because after all, that's part of what Wattpad is about.

Thanks again for being so devoted to this book, I cannot believe it's managed to amass the amount of reads that it has and the comments I read manage to bring a smile to my face everyday. Everyday, the fan base grows, and Im incredibly grateful to all of you that have added it to your reading lists. I know 100k doesn't even begin to compare to a lot of other books on Wattpad, but never once when I originally posted this novel did I think it would get this far. I'm glad there are people who love Adelyn and Nik just as much as I do.

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