Chapter Eleven

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1868, Carstrid 

The streets around them were anything but deserted, but no one seemed to care that there was a girl with a knife to her neck. Adelyn's eyes darted from passerby to passerby, begging for someone to look over and come to her aid. No one did.

A few feet away, Nik stood with his fists clenched. Adelyn wondered what would happen if the man that held her killed her. Would Nikolai's dream of finding the Witch's island die with her, or was there someone else that could take her place? Adelyn had assumed she was the only one, but she couldn't know that. Not for sure.

The blade dug itself a little deeper in Adelyn' flesh, and she felt the tip of it cut at her skin. The smallest trickle of wetness made it's way down her collar. It was nothing more than a prick, but Nik was staring at it as though it was a life-threatening wound. Adelyn didn't like that it was her life being threatened.

"Put the knife away, Gardner." Nikolai said through clenched teeth. "No need for that."

"Every need for it, I'm afraid." The man behind Adelyn cooed. "You're a tricky person to find, Nik. I'm not risking you slipping away."

"She's got nothing to do with our quarrel." Nik said, taking a tentative step forwards. Adelyn noticed it, and she was sure her captor did too. "Let her go."

"Why so protective, Nik?" The man said. Adelyn felt his breath, hot on her neck. She shivered. "What makes her so special?"

Nikolai swallowed, and Adelyn knew the words he couldn't say. She was the key to the Witch's island. That was what made her so special.

"There are rumors, Nik." Gardner said, his voice slick like honey. Adelyn had yet to see his face, but the way he spoke reminded her of a snake. Sly and sweet, but filled with deadly venom. "Rumor's that you've struck a bit of a goldmine."

"That's the thing about rumors. They're rarely true." Nikolai clicked his tongue.

Gardner laughed, "Maybe not all true, but haven't you heard that saying? There's flame where there's fire. It's something like that."

"Maybe it's a freak fire. No flame at all." Nikolai countered. Adelyn would have laughed, if not for the threat of it cutting her throat.

Gardner snickered, and it shook the blade. Adelyn froze, her chin held high.

"I want in, Nik," Gardner said. "Whatever it is."

Nik swallowed. Adelyn wasn't sure what she was more afraid of: Nik saying no, and Gardner slitting her throat, or him saying yes, and her being trapped aboard a ship with him.. It seemed like forever before he drew in a breath and answered. "You always were the best in the business."

"That a yes?" Gardner said, and Nik grinned. Adelyn couldn't figure out how he could look so happy, while she was still scared out of her wits.

She wished Nikolai were the one with the knife at his throat-- maybe that would wipe the grin off of his face.

"Indeed." Nik said, nodding softly. His eyes met Adelyns, and she wasn't sure what to think. They held concern; they didn't match his smile. "We set sail at noon tomorrow. Be there."

"Aye, aye, Captain." Gardner said. It grew quiet, and Adelyn wasn't sure what would happen next. Finally, Adelyn felt the grip on her shoulders loosen, and the blade was pulled away from her throat. She heaved in a breath, stumbling forwards towards Nikolai, who took hold of her arm as though she might fall over. His grip was even tighter than Gardner's had been, but Adelyn held no complaints. It was a comfort compared to what she'd been feeling moments prior.

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