Chapter 4

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My hands were numb and blistered, gloves worn down to thin strips of fabric. The cold nipped at my ears and I pulled my knit cap farther down. It was frigid in the fields but my family wasn't anywhere near done. We were cleaning the debris and dead crops from our fields, a task that usually took two weeks at most. With both Aidan and Amber gone, over two weeks had passed and we were only halfway done.

Most of the snow had melted but the gray sky overhead held more. It had hindered most of our progress and more snow would only push us back even further. Our property wasn't big, not compared to the commercial farms nearby, but it took forever to clean all the debris and dead plants.

A small clang followed by a quiet gasp reverberated in my ears. I turned to see Elisa, a shovel at her feet, shaking hands held out in front of her. I hadn't realized how different the winter weather in Kent was from Angeles; I doubt she'd ever experienced a real winter. Kaleb rushed over, grabbing her hands in his in an attempt to warm them. Elisa's face flushed, partly because of Kaleb and the other embarrassment at having to stop.

"Alright," my father sighed and leaned his shovel against the shed. "That's enough for today."

Kaleb was immediately rushing Elisa inside, holding her close to keep her warm. I was glad to see him taking care of her--hopefully she'd take his mind off of Aidan. My parents walked in together after them, Annika and I falling into place behind them.

Lunch was a somber and quiet affair. Kaleb and Elisa sat huddled in front of our small fireplace while the rest of us sat at the kitchen table. The food was plain, only simple sandwiches with mugs of warm tea. Still, it warmed and filled my stomach.

"We'll have to go to the store to buy more food," Mom sighed as we cleared our plates and put them in the sink.

As far as I knew, we had enough money from the Selection and this years harvest. Still, the winter was never easy. Throughout the harvest season we'd have plenty of food to sell and to eat--during the winter we were forced to buy our food from the grocer in town. The grocer who severely overpriced his products.

"Annika, you and Erika can go into town," Dad said with a glance at my brother and Elisa. "I doubt we'll see Kaleb leaving her side any time soon."

Annika glanced at me out of the corner of her eye. I hadn't been to town since we'd come home from Angeles and, frankly, I was terrified to. After reading what the papers and magazines had said about me, I didn't know how I could ever show my face in public again. Still, I couldn't say no to Dad, not after everything that they had gone through as well.

Annika and I shucked our cold, wet coats and shoes back on, each of us tugging a hat on as well. My braid swung against my back as Dad handed Annika the money and we walked outside. It was about a mile walk and the harsh air stung my cheeks.

"Keep your hat pulled down and put on your hood. Tuck your hair into your jacket," Annika instructed quietly as we walked. "They haven't bothered me too much, but if they see you..."

I understood without her even having to say it. My already meager reputation had been ruined and there was nothing I could do to fix it. I'd have to keep my head down and hope that nobody would see me.

Annika led the way, her worn brown boots crunching in the remaining snow. I looked down at my own shabby pair that barely kept the cold out and remembered the pair Derek had given me. They would have been infinitely warmer, but I'd shoved them into a corner of my room so I wouldn't have to look at them.

The door to the grocer's opened smoothly, a blast of hot air pulling my braid out of my coat. It was warm in here, warm enough that I'd already begun to sweat.

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