Chapter 8- Derek's POV

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Derek's POV

Eveline's hand was warm in mine as we strolled down the palace hallway. It was strangely sunny outside today, the warm light filtering in through the windows. The sunshine matched her yellow day dress, which was as bright as a daisy. I'd always loved the colorful dresses Eveline chose. The two of us could go on for hours simply over the color of the sky that morning or the shades of a strawberry.

Our silence was comfortable as we walked down to the art gallery. It was strange, how different walking with each of the selected was. Fallon and Audrey could talk a mile a minute, while both Rowan and Eveline tended to stay in comfortable quiet.

Eveline led the way, steering us toward the one section we hadn't visited yet. I knew the art gallery like the back of my hand, but it was still fun exploring it with someone who'd never seen it before. The look in her eyes was always one of amazement, yet critical, always looking to analyze each painting.

After we'd walked through it multiple times, we sat on a small bench for a break. I laced my fingers through Eveline's and leaned back against the wall.

"I don't think I could ever get sick of this gallery," Eveline gushed. "Every time I turn around there's something I've never seen before."

I chuckled. "I suppose so. I've been here all my life and know these by heart."

Eveline looked towards me. "Have you ever considered putting your own artwork in here?"

I blushed out of habit. "No. It'd be much too embarrassing."

Eveline only nodded, satisfied with my answer. A small part of me deflated in disappointment. I could think of only one other girl who knew about my artwork--the difference was that she would have pushed and pushed for me to show off my paintings.

Stop it, I scolded myself. It had been over a month and I still found myself thinking of her.

I scooted closer to Eveline, pushing all thoughts of Erika out of my mind. Eveline was here. And she was kind, smart, beautiful. She'd be a wonderful princess. She turned to look up at me, eyes looking at my lips but never making a move. Even after countless dates, she'd never kissed me herself.

The moment I leaned down to touch my lips to hers, the door burst open and Kile Woodwork ran in, panting. His blonde hair was a mess and he looked as if he'd run from the other end of the palace.

"Derek!" Kile gasped, leaning against the wall as he caught his breath. "Come...come quick."

I cast an apologetic glance to Eveline. "What is it, Kile?"

"Its...its Genevieve," Kile straightened and unbuttoned the top of his shirt. "She's awake."

It seemed like the world stopped turning. "Gen? She's...she's awake?"

"Yes, that's what I just said," Kile pushed the door open again. "Now come on."

Only later did I realize I'd left Eveline in the gallery, but my focus had shifted completely. I sprinted down to the hospital wing, leaving Kile sputtering on the second floor. There was a flurry of activity as I pushed my way through the doors and into Genevieve's hospital room.

My parents stood to one side, holding hands tightly. Everly stood on the opposite end, holding Cade in her arms. Marlee was curled up on the end of the bed, holding her stuffed pig. Genevieve was lying down still, but her eyes were bright and open. Awake. Alive.

"Gen," I breathed as I stepped forward, a nurse rushing to close the door behind me.

Genevieve looked away from Marlee, a huge grin spreading across her face when she saw it was me. "Derek!"

Mother and father stepped aside so I could stand next to Gen. Careful not to crush her, I pulled her into a hug.

"Did you miss me?" She smirked weakly as she pulled away.

"Of course I did," I smiled and squeezed her hand. "What am I supposed to do without my other half?"

"Good," Genevieve grinned and laid back against her pillow. "Now, tell me everything I've missed in the past month. When's the wedding?"

My smile froze. Mother and father exchanged confused glances, while the rest of my siblings turned to me.

"Gen, sweetheart. There is no wedding," my mother rubbed my sister's arm comfortingly.

"Very funny. Come on, Derek," Genevieve wiggled her fingers. "You put a ring on it, right?"

My father cleared his throat. "Son, what is she talking about?"

Genevieve had begun to look pissed as she glared at our father, then turned back to me. "I may have been in a coma, but I'm not crazy. Now did you, or did you not propose to Erika?"

A hush fell over the room at the mention of her name. My entire family had differing opinions now. Father had agreed when I'd eliminated her, which was a shock, but I supposed that with Genevieve's situation he didn't want anything to do with rebels near us. Mother, on the other hand, had been upset. She'd nearly hopped on a plane to Kent herself. Everly, I assumed, felt conflicted like I did. The problem now was Genevieve.

"Lady Erika was sent home," my father spoke after a few moments. "Now, I know you two were close friends, but it's up to Derek to decide who leaves or stays."

My father had barely finished speaking before Genevieve's palm collided with my cheek.

"Genevieve Amberly Schreave!" Mother gasped after the resounding slap. My cheek stung and I was sure there was an imprint of Gen's hand.

"You what?" Genevieve shrieked as she sat up in the hospital bed. "Why in hell would you do that?"

"Gen..." I started to speak but broke off. My parents looked at me expectedly, waiting for my response.

My sister glared. "We need to talk. Alone," she said with a pointed glance at mother and father.

"Do you honestly think we'll leave you two alone after you just slapped your brother?" Mother raised an eyebrow. "You can talk, but I'm staying."

Genevieve rolled her eyes, but focused her attention back to me as my father, Everly, Cade, and Marlee left. The room felt empty without them and the blank white walls stared back at me.

"Now, talk." Genevieve crossed her arms.

Before I knew it, I was spilling everything that had happened since New Years Eve. The attack, Erika's brother, Amber's death. Everything up to the moment I sent Erika home and everything after. Gen's eyes filled with tears at the mention of Amber, a rare occurrence as she almost never let herself cry. I was so engrossed in releasing every single feeling I had that I nearly forgot my mother was still in the room.

"You're such an idiot, Derek," Genevieve wiped her eyes with a weak hand. "You know her just as well as I do. And she'd never do anything to hurt you."

"I realized that a little too late," I spoke quietly as I fiddled with my fingers and looked at the floor.

"Then go back and get her!" Genevieve swatted at my arm.

"I can't. I've sent her home, and that's it. There are other girls here that I care for," I shook my head. "Besides. She'd never take me back."

She pursed her lips and took my hand. "You give up too easily, dear brother. Find a way around your problem."

I frowned. "What do you mean?"

Mother smiled suddenly and took both of our hands. "I believe what your sister is telling you is to break the rules."
Ta da!! Sooooo sorry this took so long. BUT, it's a Derek chapter and hopefully it made up for the long wait and torture I've been putting you all through.

QOTC: What do you think Derek is going to do?

Thanks for your patience, I love you all so much! Please comment and vote :)

xoxo, _lovemultifandoms_

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