Chapter 13

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"Come on, Erika!" Amber's voice echoed gleefully as she skipped through the grassy fields. Her rose pink cotten dress flowed loosely to her knees and her brown hair hung in waves. Her smile radiated happiness as she motioned for me to follow her.

"Where are you going, Ambs?" I laughed as I ran after her. My feet were bare and my dress seemed to have come straight from the palace, with its silky fabric lined in jewels.

The sun screamed above us, loud and bright. The wind had started to pick up, tossing my hair in an arc behind my head. The tall grasses seemed to whisper words that I couldn't hear nor understand.

Amber didn't respond, choosing to run ahead even faster to a lone tree that stood at the edge of the horizon. Leaves fell off its dark branches, a stark imprint against the yellow orange sun. Amber's giggles were distant, almost haunting now. How was she running so fast?

"Amber, wait up!" I called out, pushing my feet even faster. The grass pricked my calves, spattering bright red cuts across my skin. My legs burned as I all but sprinted, yet Amber still stayed out of reach. She'd arrived at the tree but didn't turn to face me. She seemed to get farther and farther away with every step I took.

BANG. I jumped as my vision went dark and I seemed to fall into the ground. I landed with a gasp, the breath knocked out of me, into an all white room. Blood, deep red and sticky, dripped from the walls and ceilings, all leading to a still figure in the center. I burst into tears, watching as the red liquid coated my sister's body, soaking her dress and hair. Her eyes, wide and unblinking, stared into the pit of my soul.

"You could have saved her," a chorus of voices whispered behind me.

I whipped my head around to see my entire family watching as I cradled Amber's body in my arms. Their eyes were black, cold and unforgiving as they blinked simultaneously.

"I couldn't have. I tried but I couldn't," I shook my head furiously. My hands were sticky and left prints on my clothes and the floor.

"You could have saved her," Aidan stepped forward. His eyes were unnerving. "If only you'd let the prince die. Or perhaps yourself."

"I can't change time. If I could, I would. I swear!" My tears come faster now but they're stained with blood. Every inch of my clothes is soaked in it as the blood from Amber's body transfers to my own.

My family chants the same words as Amber stirs back to life. Her eyes are black like theirs, and she turns them directly to me. "You could have saved me," she speaks as the walls of blood engulf me and snuff my cries.
"Erika! Erika, wake up!" A voice pleads with me as my own grows hoarse from screaming. I'm plagued with the same nightmare, or similar ones, most nights. All involving Amber and blood and death.

My body shakes as I continue to cry but a pair of arms pulls me close into a warm embrace. My vision is blurry from tears but I'm too tired to wipe them away. The persons hand strokes my hair gently, almost as if they're afraid to touch me, but somehow it's still soothing. The minute he starts to murmur "it's okay," I know who it is.


I scramble back, still sniffling, and nearly bang my head on the bed. Derek blushes, scratching his head as he inches away slightly, yet remains close enough that his thigh brushes against my leg.

"I'm sorry," he apologizes profusely. "Your grandfather didn't wake up and I couldn't--couldn't bear to hear you scream anymore."

I pull the blankets closer to me, suddenly extremely aware of the fact that I'm not wearing a bra under my shirt. Derek's wearing a pair of sweatpants Aidan must have left here and--and no shirt. Guess Papaw couldn't be bothered to find him one.

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