Prologue~ fangs and blood

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A full silver moon hung in the dark evening sky, as crickets chirped loudly hidden in the tall grass. A little cottage-house had their windows glowing in the darkness, hidden amongst the bushes and trees. A tall figure of a beautiful young lady could be seen through the glass window. She has long beautiful brown locks of hair, big wide blue eyes and plump pink lips. She wore a ragged robe, and her eyes sagged of lack of sleep. Carla, was her name. She washed the dishes with rugged dirty hands, filled with callouses and bruises from hard work. She scrubbed silently, with the tap on just slightly for a trickle of water to be hitting a pan in the sink. Plink. Plink.
Suddenly, a loud yell echoed from upstairs. Startled, Carla rushed upstairs, to the small room to the left, were her 4 year old girl played in. Toys and dolls were sprawled on the floors, and ripped book pages scattered her bed, messily made. The child was in the corner of the room, her head in between her two legs, rocking back and forth, whimpering.
-Evelyn? Carla asked, confused.
Evelyn didn't answer. She let out a growl.
-What's the matter, honey?
Evelyn moaned, and rolled her head up. Her eyes were bloodshot. Dark veins were forming under her eyes. Her lips were a light shade of red. Her pale skin seemed to glistened in the moonlight which seeped through the cracks of the window.
Carla yelled. She now remembered. Being so naive in the past, she remembered that she fell in love with a werewolf. So idiotic she was. She became pregnant, and gave birth to Evelyn- who has a high chance of being...
-Werewolf... Carla breathed, her voice trembling. Evelyn let out a loud howl once again, and started to dig her nails in the wooden floors. She was transforming, no doubt. Horrified, Carla ran downstairs, and swung into the kitchen. She slammed the door closed and locked it. Her heart hammered in her chest. Would Evelyn eat her? Attack her? She didn't know. Crying, Carla slid on to the cold floor, salty tears streaming down her cheeks. The yells of pain echoed through the house. The sound of nails- perhaps now claws- digging into the floor boards horrified poor Carla. Suddenly, the sounds stopped. No more yelling. No scrapping. No banging of the fists against the walls. Just the tap, lightly running. Carla's heart boomed loudly in her chest. Almost too loud. Boom. Badoom. Boom. Badoom. Over and over again.
The silence even became eerie.
Boom. Badoom. Boom. Badoom.
Carla was positive she could hear light footsteps.
Boom. Badoom.
That's it. Carla needed to do something. She slowly unlocked the door, her moist sweaty hands having a hard time gripping the handle. She swung open the door. Evelyn was there. Or at least, a wolf. It's dark black fur and wild yellow flickering eyes gave Carla shivers.
-Evelyn? E...Evelyn? Carla's voice trembled.
The wolf cocked it's head. But Carla knew it was her.
-You can't stay here.
Evelyn started to growl. Carla took a step back.
-Wild monsters like you live in the woods. Carla said firmly.
Evelyn growled more, now baring her long white canines.
Evelyn took a step closer, foam forming in the corners of her mouth.
Carla knew she was going to be eaten. She felt the hunger in Evelyn's eyes. The monster. Carla took a step back and discreetly pulled a knife out of the drawer.
-I'm telling you now, Evelyn, go away.
Evelyn howled. Carla plunged at her and dug the knife into the wolf. Evelyn lifter her head, anger and rage flaming in her pupils. She whirled around, blood trickling on the floor. And bounded off into the woods.
Never to be seen again.

Hey guys! This is one of my first stories here, so I hope you guys enjoyed that first "chapter"!!! I may have slipped some unwanted spelling mistakes, sorry! I will try to update daily, but school just started, so things might get busy. Please SHARE, LIKE, and VOTE!!
Love you guys ❤️❤️❤️

~Lena xoxo

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2017 ⏰

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