Chapter 1: Hallelujah

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On September 1st, 2000 a beautiful baby girl was born. She was born to Harmony and Harry Samuel, she was their first born child. Although small, she was tough. She kicked the doctor very hard at least 3 times.

When she was given to her parents, they were still decided on what to name her. The couple was so happy and overjoyed. They decided on the name "Hallelujah" for the girl. Scared and afraid was what the couple was, but when ever they looked at her face they just had to mumble "Hallelujah." And everything seemed alright again.

As time went on and the young girl grew, it was clear that she was different. She had purple eyes and purple ears. By the time her second birthday rolled around, she had cat ears atop her head. Her parents went to many doctors, worrying about her health. Hallelujah was very energetic, always happy. She had never had problems.

Every doctor said the same thing "The girl is fine, just different." Time continued to tick. The girl grew and grew. Her first day of preschool was soon. Night after night, her parents gave her a different treatment. They made her wear hats, they dyed her hair brown. She wore color contacts. They wanted her to fit in, they wanted to help her. Little did they know they were damaging her self esteem.

She was brought to special schools, taught how to act like a lady. She was always scolded. Every night right after she was tucked in, the little girl would get up out of bed and go into the bathroom. She would just look at herself in the mirror, then begin to cry.

She thought that being different was bad. She thought she was bad. She knew she was. This beautiful young girl, was being wasted, wasted to keep her from being bullied.

On the first day of preschool, it was very rainy. The girl had to wear a rain coat. Her mom had wanted to take a picture. 1..2..3.. "Smile!" She said. The little girl smiled. The camera went off with a flash.

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