Chapter 2: Why Cant I Be Me?

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"Meet me by the light"

The little girl shot up. Panting she looked around her room. "Just a dream. Only a dream." She said to herself. She got up and went down stairs. She passed all the bins of Halloween decorations. It was September 1st, her 7th birthday. They were already starting to set up for Halloween.

Hallelujah stood on her tip toes and grabbed a glass from the cabinet. She went to the fridge and got some water and put some ice cubes into the glass. She took a long sip and set down the glass. She went into the bathroom. Looking at herself in the mirror, tears began to stream down her face. "What is wrong with me?" She said, looking at her purple eyes and hair. She took off her night cap and stroked her ears.  Putting the cap back on she just stared into the mirror.

There was a quiet knock on the door and her mother came in. "Happy birthday Sweetie. Everything ok?" "Yes Mom. Just fine." The girl said trying to smile. "I'm sorry Sweetie, but you know we have to dye your hair today." Her mom said with a sad expression on her face.

"Hey Mom, can I ask you something?" Hallelujah said. Her voice quiet, her eyes full of tears. "Of course sweetie." Her mom said in a warm voice, eyes glowing. "Can I be me for Halloween?" Hallelujah asked smiling.

"N-No. I'm sorry Holly. It just can't work that way. Kids may ask to try on your ears or your wig or whatever and you can't take it off. If you say no they may try and take it off your head." She answered, a grim expression on her face. Hallelujah began to cry.

They stood there for a while. Her mom then walked away. Hallelujah bolted out the door and into her room. She slammed the door behind her. Burying her face into a pillow she let the tears stream down her face.

"I wanna be me. Why can't I be me?" She asked herself, the tears falling. Then, she heard her parents voices.

"She wanted to be herself for Halloween Harry. You should've seen her heartbroken face when I told her she couldn't. I wanted to cry but I needed to stay strong." Her mother said.

"Why can't we just let her be herself Harmony? We could go in and tell the other kids that we used something special for her wig and ears so they won't come off. That way they won't ask." Her father answered.

"Yes yes. But I don't want her to end up like you know who." Her Mom said.

Hallelujah immediately knew what she was talking about. Her teenage cousin Layla had committed suicide a few months ago. Layla was just like Hallelujah except for the fact her parents didn't make her wear contacts and die her hair. Layla was free. But she was bullied. Eventually it pushed her over the edge. Her parents probably thought that Hallelujah would wanna let her ears free and stop wearing contacts and dying her hair. They were scared that she'd be bullied and end up like Layla. It wouldn't happen.

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