Part 3

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I left Nate's house later that night and had gone back to Lexi's house. I walked in on her making her favorite dinner. Fettuccine Alfredo. She had been mixing the food in the pot and heard the door behind her to see that it was me.

"Hey girl!" Lexi said, She put the spoon down, took my hand, and started dancing with me to the music she was listening to. She blasted it throughout the house I think the neighbors might actually be able to hear it.

By the end of it all we both just started laughing and Lexi walked back to the pot and turned the fire off.

"Do you want some?" Lexi asked.

"I'm good I just ate at Nate's house."

"Ok, how's he doing anyways. Miss that guy." I wish I can tell her everything, but I'm afraid that it would do more harm than good.

"Good, actually he gave me a gift today," I held up my right hand to shower the ring he had gotten me.

"Oh my God, that's beautiful!" Lexi said.

"It is," I took it off and showed her our initials engraved in the inside.

"Wow, I wish I had boyfriend like yours. He's such an amazing guy. I'm so happy for you Kait."

"I'm one lucky girl." I tried playing along, I just hate having to lie to my best friend.

Lexi put the pasta in a bowl and sat next to me, "Oh! I forgot to say, I text Allyson, one of the people that knows everyone, and she said she'll get everyone together for a little party!"

"Yay! When should we do it?"

"This weekend. Maybe Friday." Lexi continued to stuff food in her mouth.

"Lex that's tomorrow." I laughed.

"Shit then yeah tomorrow."

"What you want to have a party already?"

"Hell yeah, we need to kick off this summer right!"

I laughed again, "Ok well we need to figure out where to put some stuff because we know that something will get broken if we don't put it away." I stood up and started walking around the house picking up picture frames as Lexi followed me around with her bowl of pasta.

"Ok so we got everything now we just need to figure out how we're going to get some drinks."

"Like alcoholic drinks?" Lexi asked.

"No like juice boxes and caprisuns. Yes alcoholic drinks." I said sarcastically.

"Oh well that's not a problem I have a fake id."

"Since when?"

"I got it before I left for Cabo just in case."

"Of course you did. Ok we'll just get them then."

"Why not tonight? We can pregame a little."

"Lex, pregaming is for right before you go to the bar or club so that you don't have to buy a whole bunch of drinks."

"Yeah, but wouldn't be fun just the two of us drinking together right now?"

"You know I don't drink like that anymore."

"I know, but just a little. How about we get just one bottle of whatever you want right now, and you can just spend the night so you don't have to drive home?"

"I have to go back home to pick up my clothes anyways."

"Ok we'lll do that before."

"Fine, but whatever I choose and you can't judge me." I pointed at Lexi and began walking to the table to grab my keys. Lexi had still been eating her pasta so she brought it with her to my house.

"Hey Mom! Hey Dad!" I said running up the stairs to my room. My parents were in the kitchen drinking their routine one glass of wine every night. I began just stuffing clothes in my duffle bag because I didn't know how long I was going to be at Lexi's house.

"Oh what about this dress for tomorrow?" Lexi held up a small cocktail dress up I wore for homecoming Senior year.

"Lex it's a house party not a club." I laughed.

"No I meant for me."

"Oh well I don't know if you want to."

"Then I 'll take it." Lex stuffed it in my bag. I took my makeup case with me and we both walked back downstairs. I put my stuff down by the front door and walked into the kitchen to see my parents both talking still.

"Where's Casey?" I asked about my little sister who wasn't in her room when I ran right past it. She's still in high school and will be a Junior.

"She's at Ryan's house I think." My mom said.

"You think?" I said laughing.

"Well I mean she said she was going over to Ryan's house and I don't know if they went any where else. I didn't ask."

"oooook mom. Well can I spend the weekend at Lexi's house?"

"Ok, just text me everyday, okay? So I know you're still alive?"

"I will." I kissed my mom and dad on the cheeks before I left, "Love you!"

"Love you!" My parents said back to me.

"Bye Mr. and Mrs. King!"

"Bye Lexi!"

We hopped in my car, opened all the windows and blasted music as we were driving to Walmart.

"Ok remember, you can't be seen with  me because they won't let me buy the drink if you're under 21." Lexi said closing the door.

Because of You - Mikey Jimenez storyWhere stories live. Discover now