wow did that just happen to me?

9 0 0

           As I open the door the boys were all over the room. There was a couch, loveseat, and a few chairs in there. Zayn was in the chair closest to the door, about twenty steps away to the right. He was chilling will his feet over the side of the arm of the chair. Liam was in the corner reading tweets. Harry and louis were sitting on the couch taking selfies to my left. And Niall was sitting on the loveseat messing with his phone. He seemed uninterested in whatever was on his screen. He was the first to see me and the first to greet me.

           "Hello, I'm Niall, what's your name?" Niall says, standing up to be polite! Isn't he just sweet!? "Wait, you probably already knew that though. Sorry." He looked embarrassed, and I heard a snicker behind me I figured it was Liam.

           "I'm Hope!"

           "It's a pleasure to meet you, Hope." The rest of the boys had gotten up and brought the chairs. There was plenty of room for them, it was like they had moved them. They all shook my hand and hugged me and then sat down. They left the loveseat to me and Niall. He seemed to be okay with it but a liitle nervous, probably for meeting new people.

           "So tell us about yourself. How long have you listened to our music?" Harry asked.

      Do admit have watched them since the beginning? Oh, what the heck! "Since you guys started, actually. That sounds pretty stalkerish, I swear I'm not!"

          " Don't worry about it! We have heard worse things!" Zayn said, and they all started laughing!      I had a feeling i was missing something, but seeing as this is my first and probably the last time i see them it's probably true. 

        "So what is your favorite song?" Niall nervously asks me. 

        I giggle alittle at his nerousness, and not to mention my own, "They all are! I really cant choose just one!"

I looked around at the other boys and they all seemed to be smiling at me. Or was it at Niall? Was is both of us? It was making my nervousness worse. Well, soon we all started talking and it seemed like it had only been five minutes when it really been like 30. We heard a knock on the door when the guard who had let me in was standing there.

        "Girls are waiting, guys. Wrap it up." He paused to look at me. "Please." And waited for them to wrap up.

        Harry stands and says, "She's gonna stay with us. Just bring the rest of the girls back. One at a time though. I cant use my flirty charm with all of them without them killing each other over me." He winks at me. "I'm just messing with you, Hope! Are you hungry?"

I was actually very hungry but i didnt want to say so. Right on cue my stomach growls. 

        "And bring some food for all six of us, please." Niall says, smiling. The guard left. "You might wanna grab that couch the other room so others can sit here." He tells Zayn. 

        "Alright bossy! Louis come help me!" Zayn says, getting up and walking out the door.

        "Talk about bossy!" Louis whispers under his breathe.

        I tried not to laugh but i let out a little snicker. So they left. Harry had went over to the mirror and was just looking, not at him but something behind him. So with Niall and I sitting on the love seat together and Harry 50 steps away, we were silent. It was a good silent. It wasn't really as awkward as some people would think. 

        Soon after the boys came back with a couch. Then the girls came. Ugh! Screaming, crying, screaming, and more crying, taking pictures, screaming and did i say crying. Yeah, it was weird but the guys just seemed to laugh it off after each one left. They really adored the fans. I thought it was all an act for money sometimes. But they truely love their fans the screaming and stuff annoys them girl, after girl, after girl, but the get use to it i suppose. 

        I wondered as each girl left with their friends or their mothers, i wondered what was so special about me that i got to stay with them and no one else did. Each and everyone of them left, but me. I wasn't prettier than all those other girls. I didnt have prettier clothes than all those girls. 

        Finally, they were all done. I was looking at the floor when my phone goes off. I look at my phone, it was my mother wondering where i am. Well, she'll just have to wait! I think with a grin on my face looking around at ONE DIRECTION!!! :)

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