The Second Day

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I walk into class early and just like yesterday, Jack was at his desk with his head down focused on the same pad of white paper. Just. Like. Yesterday. I sit down at the same seat as last time. I get out the same thing as yesterday but as soon as I pick up my pencil I feel a pair of eyes on me. I look up to Jack looking at me. I hold his gaze. Something about his eyes made my heart beat stronger giving me a ting of fear at this unfamiliar feeling. I never realized that my hand was drawing and when I did I found myself drawing an eye. I blushed a little. I could tell he noticed since a slight chuckle was heard from him. I quickly made it to half a Marilyn Monroe face by adding full lips and a signature beauty mark. I felt his gaze on me again so I looked out the window for something to draw. I attempted a dandelion till the bell rang. I overlooked my drawing as the class filed in once again.

I noticed Jack standing in front of my desk overlooking my work

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I noticed Jack standing in front of my desk overlooking my work. "that's really well done." he said. I smile at him sarcastically and grip the page getting ready to rip when he places his hand on the one gripping the page. "the bell rang when you were still drawing so like you said that drawing is for me." he says winking at me. I resist the urge to smile at him and I instead rip it out neatly and hand it to him. "here then." I say. He takes it and I watch as his eyes scan it before walking to the front of the class and putting it next to the koi fish. He gets a pen and writes something on the bottom corner. I feel the entire classes gaze on me. I pull up my hood and sink into my chair hating the attention.

Jack stands on attention to the class "first up on the list is..." he scans the class avoiding me till the last second. He catches my eye and grins "... Moon. Please come up to the front and display your piece of knowledge that you believe will inspire us." he says. Everyone looks at me. I stay seated. Jack has a look of triumph on his face. "well? Where is it?" he asks. I get up slowly for effect and walk up to the front. I turn and look out at the class. I take out a piece of paper and unfold it till its canvas sized. I pin it to the white board.


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"this..." I say looking at the wide eyed Jack. "is humanity seen in the eyes of us:the nothings. While you all are the everythings... The everythings are the things that make us nothings like this... While you everythings have homes, families, money and big dreams while we nothings stand by in awe at you all. But I know that me telling you everythings about us nothings won't do anything." I say. When I'm done the class is quiet and I walk back to my seat knowing that I had won.

Teacher Jacksepticeye x reader Where stories live. Discover now