One and the Same

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 "Realm of the what?" Kai spoke up, looking at Noredieel.

 "Realm of the Kira, Kai." Expecting a response from Noredieel, he instead got one from Kaidesuki.

 They sat in silence for a few moments as Kai took in everything around him. It was dark, and the moon was in the shape of a deep crescent, not a single star could be found in the blank expression of what looked to be the sky. His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of crushing sand.

 "If you're going to stare, then do so from the city while I give you a tour." Noredieel chuckled a bit in the midst of his sentence.

 Everyone sighed a bit, following Noredieel. The city seemed to be miles away, every step only gave more perspective to just how far away it was.

 "Its been hours." Kai broke the lingering silence.

 "Technically," Noredieel checked the watch tightly hugging his wrist, "Its only been about twenty minutes."

 Kai squinted his eyes,

 "Its been at least two hours."

 "You're not wrong," a small smile accompanied the chuckle from Noredieel mouth, "Its been exactly two hours for us, but only a mere twenty minutes for the realm Earth is in."

 "That is a very confusing time difference." Kai responded, "How long is this walk exactly?"

 "24 hours, about."

 "You're kidding."

 "Even I wish I was."

 Kai let out a massive amount of air and continued walking.  

 24 hours had finally passed, and Kai nearly followed behind it.

 "Welcome to my kingdom, welcome to your home."

 The air had a slight breeze to it, the houses stood tall and breathing came easy, there were people scattered around a noisy market place and children jumping about, everyone seemed happy.

 "Is everyone here Kira too?" Kai asked, an obviously curious tone to his voice.

 "They're souls that weren't able to go to cross over to the realm of light or dark, so, instead of being stuck on Earth, we put them here, where they'll be happy." Suki smiled cheerfully.

 Laughs and giggles filled every alley and corner, Kai spun to avoid a series of kids running in his direction. Everyone and everything seemed happy, but something was off. The city and the souls within seemed fine, but Kai could hear noises, almost like breaking rocks and the clashing of steel. He looked around to identify the noise, but couldn't find the source. A massive gust of wind blew over the city, and everyone became silent, Kai found exactly what he was looking for. The gust of wind were flowing from a battle not too far off, it was giving off the same energy as the fight between himself and Kaidesuki.  

 A weird feeling rumbled in the depths of Kais stomach as his eyes began to sting. He could feel his original eye color fade as it became purple. The pain was only minor, but slightly off setting, his other eye didn't hurt when this first happened,  it did this time around.

 "You okay, sweety?" Suki asked, tapping Kai's shoulder.

 "Yeah, I'm fine." Kai spoke, unsure if he actually was okay.

 "Sweety... your left eye, its red." Suki spoke in a concerned and curios tone.

 He rubbed his eye, looking up at gust of energy seeping from the two opponents.

 "I gotta get over there." Kai said, as he began to walk.

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