spider boy

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So this is my first one and all of them are going to be little but maybe there will be some longish ones

Y/N woke up and looked at her phone to check the time it was 5:30 am she decides to get ready for a walk becuse its her spring break. She put on some shorts and a lose top and grab a pair of convers. Y/N leaves her house and walks down queens. She keeped hearing some nosie coming from behind her and then spedup. She looked back and saw nothing so she stared walking and then looked infront of her and saw spiderman. Y/N didint know who he was and got freaked out and then spiderman said"hey,hey its ok im not going to hurt you, ok" Y/N nodded. She suddenly askd "so who are you some kind of spider boy?"
"Ha, no im spiderman, why are you walking out this early in the moring anyways, a pretty girl should not be walking out her by herself." Y/N blushed and hoped that he could not see. "Well, i was walking out here becuse it very nice out" Y/N said.
"Well would you like me to take you home before somthung happens to you?" "sure" Y/N said as they walked back home

Ok that was my 1st and it sucked im open to anything and anything but its like 1 am so yea comment what u think. Im thinking of doing parts with peter likes the reader or somthing so just text me ideas i will mostly answer on my insta witch is @thehollandfamilys

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