Amisha(23)from India started a company called RAI and CO and in 2years it became LA's 2nd best company in the stockmarket and shes a proud CEO of her company.
She has been through a lot back in India with a cheating boyfriend.
She was a heiress to h...
She started begging me to forgive her and take her back.
''I love you Mario,it has always been you''she said
I laughed sarcastically and said ''dont even say that you unfaithful slut.I loved you so much and the day i was going to propose you were fucking my business patner.You''...and something
No actually someone caught my eyes.It was a beautiful girl with Her hair was a rich shade of ebony . It flowed in waves. Her eyes, framed by long lashes, were a bright, as black as ink and seemed to brighten the world. A straight nose, full lips - she seemed the picture of perfection. Had she smiled, the world would sigh with contentment. Had she laughed, the world would laugh with her. And had she wept, the whole world would want to comfort her. But what really caught my eyes was her glowing skin,it was sooo good.I want to feel her all over my body.I could feel my pants getting tight and it was hard for me to breathe.
I really want to make her mine.No no Mariano you cannot fall for someone again, you're someone who donot need another commitment, girls just want money and that's why they come after you.
And moreover she's with someone,he must be her boyfriend or may be her husband.
*Clearing throat*
''I think you should leave now Stella''I said authoratively.
For once in her life,she walked out without saying anything. I left the restaurant not before looking at the beauty goddess who caught my eye.
I got in my car and drove off to my office.
Amisha's POV
As soon as we reached la messa my favourite restaurant,the manager said.
''sorry senor,senora the booth is reserved.''
''Its ok we'll take the regular table'' Xavier said.
I thought he was going to lunge at the manger but how can I forget that Xavier being the wise man he is would never that.
''Good afternoon,I'm your waiter what would you guys like''The waiter asked eyeing me.
''I suggest you to stop eyeing her like that''Xavier snapped.
''I would like Tortilla Española and he would take the same too and a bottle of charles heidsieck reserve rose..Thank you''I said before Xavier yell at the waiter.
I suddenly felt like someone was watching me but shook it off when Xavier started to talk.
''So how was your meeting today,heard that one of the member was Mariano Converti himself''Xavier asked.
''Don't even start me getting with that douchebag Converti,he sent his PA to the meeting while he went out with his girlfriend.Sucha waste'' I said while anger rose in me.
''What? He has a girlfriend,you must be kidding me,He's known as a player,he nevee dates,he just have one night stand''Xavier said.
''Sucha horny bastard who can't keeo his dick to himself''I said
Xavier laughed loudly and it made me laugh too.
''So what's goin on in your life, sweet pea, i missed you so much, I wish you had come to Italy with me'', he said with a different emotion in his eyes.
''I wish I could come Xavi, but yiu knew I had lot of work'' I told him
''But you're always working babe, ok when was the last time you went on a vacation''He asked me but instantly regretted getting that since I haven't gone anywhere after moving from India.
Before we could say anything, our meals arrived and we started eating.
Mariano's POV
SHIT, who was she and why am I thinking so much about her, I really need to know who she is, I don't care if she has a husband or a boyfriend. I Mariano get what I want.
With that thought, I called my private investigator.
''Converti.Ryan I want you to get rvery detail that is possible about a girl''I said him.
''Yes Mr Converti, what's her name'' He asked.
''Well I don't know about that, but she was in La Messa with a guy today''. I said him.
''I'll try Mr Converti''He said.
I cut the call even before he could say more
With the though of that little beauty i drifted off to LA LA LAND.
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''La Messa''
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