Chapter One: Rejection

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Hey Guys! :D

Want to clear all this up before I start the story...

All characters full names and who they are played by are listed :)

The official song for this story is 'Breathe Me' by Sia because;

1. I have listened to it for years, I absolutly adore this song

2. It fits in with the story well

This is my second story on Wattpad so don't judge me please! I don't know if this story is going to be any good, I hope it will though! :) Please, Please, PLEASE, comment, I like to know if you guys like the story or not... It helps me a lot! But don't say thing that will offened me... Cause it hurts... Just say what I can improve on and stuff! :D

I do curse and use bad language- You've been warned! :O Also I will say things like 'oh my god'- I don't mean to offend anybody! Its just the way I speak! And if you do carry on reading and get offended by  any of the two things I mentioned, I am sorry! ...Just so  you know! :)

It should be edited... If theres any mistakes tell me! :)

The picture is of Ruby played by Miranda Kerr

Nuff said...

© Amber Hardy. All Rights Reserved


Chapter One: Rejection


“No” He stated as his chocolate brown eyes bored into mine, wait, what? No? He’s not... Oh god he’s not going to, is he?

“What d-do you m-mean no?” My voice came out shaky, like someone was slowly choking me; it felt like someone was slowly choking me.

“You’re not, you’re not, rejecting me are you?” I asked, but the look in his eyes told me it all; he didn’t want me. “Ruby Andrews, I hereby reject you as my other half, my wolf’s half and...”

He stared into my eyes, and smirked, ‘please don’t, please don’t, please don’t’ I chanted in my head again and again, my wolf howled; the mate howl; a howl that only her mate can hear, a howl of longing, love and desperation.

“...As my mate”

Souring pain erupted in my chest, like a red-hot poker was stabbing me in my heart over and over.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!” I screamed, every bone in my body felt like they were being roughly broken one-by-one, tears of blood flowed down my face leaving red trails in their path.

“Please Nate, please help me! Please! Please, please, please, help me...” My voice trailed off, his eyes shone with pain and fear, his soft hazel hair swayed in the breeze as he looked down upon my quivering body, he smirked one more time before  he shook his head.


3 years later

“So I need you to be my girlfriend in front of my dad for a week” Troy explained, I thought about it... doesn’t seem that bad of an act; not that hard to do... “How much are you offering?” I asked, “One hundred dollars”

“You got yourself a girlfriend” I smiled, his whole face lit up, relief covered his features as he squashed me into a tight hug.

“Thank you so much Ruby, you don’t know how much this means to me; you’re a star” He muffled into my hair.

“Yeah, yeah, whatever” I said as he pulled away from the embrace, ”Um, Troy?”

"Yeah?” He replied, curiosity hinted in his voice. “If you don’t mind me asking, why do you want me to pretend to be your girlfriend, or more specifically, in front of your dad?”

Nervousness swam in his eyes as he rubbed the back of his neck, “Promise you won’t tell anyone?”

“Pinkie promise” He chuckled at my child like action.

“Uhhh, my dad is a homophobic” Is that it?

 “Is that it?” I spoke my thoughts aloud.

“Well, I uh, well, I’m uh hm” He rambled on, what is he so nervous about... I motioned him to carry on.

“I’m gay” He said lowly, my eyes widened.

“Are you serious?!” I whisper-shouted.

“Shit, you’re not homophobic too, are you?” He shakily asked, fear was seen on his face.

“What? No! It’s just... you’re so hot!” I exclaimed, he laughed, “Well thank you, it’s nice to know  I’m not to only one who thinks so”

Rolling my eyes I said, “Ha, Ha, very funny, but seriously, I would of totally tapped that!”

“You already have” He winked at me as I blushed furiously, he was right, I’ve had sex with nearly all of the boys of the school; I’m a slut. I know. It’s not my fault though! It’s his. My mate, Nate. He rejected me three years ago, I needed to get over him; and so I slept with others. That’s where the whole ‘slut’ thing came from. But now I’m paid, by boys, to pretend or act to be their girlfriend or friend for whatever reason, for however long. I get a profit from it which is a positive, but now I have no friends; no girl wants to be friends with a ‘slut’ and the boys just use me for my ‘resources’. Fun (note the sarcasm.)

Lunch came quickly and, as usual, I sat outside on the soft grass eating my plain cheese and salad sandwich. Also, as usual, Nate invaded my thoughts; his tall 6’3 golden tanned, muscular frame, chiselled jaw and curly light brown hair could invite any girl in; just like my model 5’10 thin figure, dark brown hair with loose curls and high cheek bones could invite any boy in; I was the slut and he was the man-whore. Perfect for each other, right? Wrong. At least he doesn’t think so.

I wasn’t a slut before Nate, hell no! I was a goody-two-shoes; always wore sensible clothing, perfect grades and no boys what so ever. But if you wear tight, denim short shorts, low-cut tank top and black five inch stilettos, your ready to commit some sins! And that’s exactly what I did.

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