Chapter Three: Finally At Peace

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The picture is of Troy played by Sam Way

© Amber Hardy. All Rights Reserved


Chapter Three: Finally At Peace


Sunlight slithered through the tiny gap in-between my old, tattered, faded blue curtains; my wavy, dark mahogany hair gleamed and shined from the golden rays illuminating it. Every corner and crack inside my box-sized room was lightened by a light amber shade, giving the room a homier, comfy feeling; my silhouette was highlighted with a rim of black, accentuating my curves underneath the navy blankets, but my eyes; my eyes were the best feature. My tan skin was in sync with the light lime colour of my iris, making them brighter, lighter, happier and more... beautiful. The whole sight would have been perfect, it was perfect.

Until my father decided to barge in at that exact moment.

“RUBY! What the hell are you doing down there?! Actually don’t answer that; you belong down there!” I flinched at his angry, menacing tone, did I really belong on the ground? With the ugly, disgusting scum? Was that where I should be?


I shouldn’t.

But I’m too weak to argue or fight back.

“But as much as I admire you accepting your place in life” He spat in my face, “You have to get up off you lazy, fat ass and make me some breakfast!”

I cried out in pain when he grabbed a handful of my hair and started dragging me towards the stairs, I thrashed around wildly as he neared the edge of the first step. A smirk was placed on his face, he brought his lips to hover over my ear.

“This will teach you to hurry up” He smiled cruelly.

He pushed my back roughly, forcing my body to move forward.

Down the flight of hard, wooden, sharp-edged steps.

This is going to hurt like a bitch.

Air rushed past my face as my body surged forward, down... down... down. Falling and tumbling, rolling and plummeting, pain rushed from all over my body and damage was defiantly done. My back finally smacked against the cold floorboards unmoving. Bruises blossomed from nearly every part of my body; my right leg was twisted backwards in an unnatural position whereas my bone in left ankle was sticking right out from the skin creating a pool of red. All my fingers were broken; no doubt about that, my forearms were fractured in many places, I tried to move then but all I heard was a crunching sound that I cringed at. A popped out left shoulder greeted my purple face when my head lolled to the side, my torso was covered in gashes and cuts painting my stomach and chest a thick, dark colour of red. When I tried to speak my jaw just flopped open, indicating that is was dislocated, blood filled my mouth from my broken nose. A throbbing headache made any thought vanish and focus on the increasing pain in my head, shit! It does hurt like a bitch!

Blood spewed from the crack on the right side of my head creating a warm puddle of crimson that made me want to gag. Please Lord, I have no idea what I have done to you, ever, but if I survive from this please do not give me brain damage. Suddenly the pain increased from all over my body, oh god!

“Arrgg, gggaaarr” I gurgled out instead of screaming, wow; I sound like a dinosaur... stupid jaw. Burning sensations covered my form; I felt like I was on fire. Actually, being in flames would have been better than this pain! I became hotter and hotter... too hot.

 “Gaaaa rrrah!” I gurgled again; I can’t stand the pain anymore! Please make it stop! But it didn’t. I carried on burning and withering in agony, I hate my life, I hate my father, I hate my school, I hate this pain, I want to die now! It felt like streaming white-hot pokers were pressed against my skin, this is unbearable now. A new feeling washed over me, interrupting my spasms of pain. Numbness washed over me. I felt nothing, which, in a way, was good.

I felt relaxed and calm.

I felt happy.

I felt like everything was going to be okay.

I felt... at peace.

I’ve only ever really felt like this when I was with my mama and my old dad actually. Memories and all our smiles made a home, a sanctuary, inside the depths of my lonely and tear-filled mind. Clinging onto them for dear life was the last thing I could do to before I died.

Multicoloured swirls formed before eyes and white lights beamed brightly making me wince at their boldness. This is it; I was going to die.

I love you mama if you can hear me wherever you are. Troy, you were the only decent guy I have come across in a while, I love you for that, thank you. My father, I hope you get better.  Nate, my mate, I love you, I don’t give a damn if you love someone else or if you just don’t love me, because, I love you.

Black splodges splattered themselves over my vision and more of my precious blood ran out of my veins and head. I felt myself grow colder... colder... colder.

Goodbye world.

Goodbye everyone.

Goodbye mate.

Then darkness finally consumed me.

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