Chapter Seven: You Can Only Take So Much

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Got an A* and a B (one mark off A -.-) in two of my biology exams... Just saying ;)

Finally uploaded! :DDD Enjoy! :) 

DEDICATED TO 'BrokenFromTheStart' I don't know her that well, but what I do know is so  strong and so kind, she doesn't deserve anything that will hurt her, she doesn't deserve the shit she gets. I have so much respect for her, I think she's just amazing. Follow her and read her books because they are ALL amazing and deserve more read's, vote's and comment's then  they get. Stay strong. Keep fighting.

© Amber Hardy. All Rights Reserved


Chapter Seven: You Can Only Take So Much


“Okay, now Ruby, your injuries are very severe, in fact if that young boy Troy didn’t find you, your wounds could have killed you. You were bleeding furiously; you lost eight pints of blood! It was a huge miracle you survived... even for a werewolf” The doctor trailed off, more like she was mumbling to herself than me. Troy and I just looked at each other knowingly; I would never have survived if I was a human.

“You will have to stay here for a few months-“

“Months?!” I exclaimed; she has to be joking. I have a life to live... a very pitiful, fucked-up, miserable kind of life, but a life no doubt.

“Yes, months, the severe trauma to your head has caused some... uh, differences to your brain and body and let’s not forg-”

Differences? What do you mean ‘differences’?!” I exclaimed loudly, dread filled my body:  What does she differences?! What has happened to my body? Do I have a brain damage? My breathing came out deep and fast, the colour drained from my already-white skin, sparks prickling in my chest.

“Whoa, Ruby! Calm down, stop hyperventilating and let the doctor explain” Troy said softly, holding my hollow cheeks, and turning my head to face him, looking into his sympathetic eyes. I breaking even more on the inside; something else has messed up my life even more then it needs too. I tried to calm down, I really did, but I just couldn’t. It was like a fire meeting gunpowder inside of me, I just suddenly exploded.

I glared angrily at him, “Why the fuck should I Troy?! Huh? You don’t know me, you don’t know my life, and you certainly don’t know what the fuck it’s like to been through what I have!”

His eyes widened in shock, “Ruby, I- I-”

“You what Troy? You didn’t know?  You didn’t think? You didn’t consider what the hell it’s like to live the sad, depressed and fucking messed-up life of the pathetic slut Ruby Black? Because you sure as hell didn’t. Shit! What the hell am I doing with you? You’re not my friend, I don’t know you; you’re just another fucking customer as far as I’m concerned. Nobody gave a flying fuck about me before, so why did you?  Did you feel pity, sorrow and sympathy for ‘poor little Ruby’ when you found her at the bottom of those stairs? Did you feel remorse, or were you sickened when you found her broken on the wooden floor?” He stared at me guiltily; hurt and sadness clouding over his expression.

“Look Ruby, calm down, you’re causing a scene. There’s no need to be angry” The doctor glared at me, frustration and embarrassment filled her muddy brown eyes as she looked around, seeing all the other patient look at us curiously and aggravated. Not that I gave a single fuck about them or her.

“Oh yeah, I’m sorry, you obviously know my life so well that you have the right to tell me not to be angry” I spat at her, sarcasm dripping from my words and my non-humorous smile. The tears started to sting my eyes, I let them fall not feeling any reason to hold them in.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2013 ⏰

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