|Chapter 1| Movements

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You didn't really want to move, not because you had so many great friends, not because you particularly liked anyone in your old house but because you just didn't want to. But you had to and right now you just sat in your new room, bags unpacked, music playing, you heard chatter downstairs, your father and a boy, most likely another patient, you had been in your room for hours without leaving, reading books you hadn't read, just listening to the music, it was calming. Then you heard footsteps, stopping outside your closed door, you dropped a booklet to the ground as the door opened, pushing the drawings of various things beneath your bed as the door swung open.
"You know if you want to draw a loving corpse you might want to take the light from the things eyes."
The voice from downstairs belonged to this boy, blonde hair curled and welcoming brown eyes.
"How did you see it? Who are you?"
"Don't worry about that, and nice to meet you I'm Tate."He smiled
"Nice to meet you too Tate"
He smiled and welcomed himself down, hand reaching beneath the bed beside you grasping a black covered book. He smiled as if asking permission to look through, you just nodded as he flicked through normal drawings of gardens and landscapes, people and animals, to the majority of skulls, skeletons, dead, murderers.
"Your a bit morbid huh?"He asked truly interested
"No...just, interested."
"Interested in what?"He moved closer to you
"Things like this...."You pointed to a drawing of a spirit
"This stuff is pretty emotional"He kept flicking pages
"I tried..."You smiled
He moved a little closer, showing you as he flicked on and on.
"I love them"He smiled
"Your really good at this."He smiled
"(Y/N)! Is Tate up there? Miss Langdon is waiting!"
Tate looked towards the door.
"Uh sorry, my name is (Y/N)"You smiled
"That's a cute name"He beamed as he left the room, walking downstairs

-Chapter 1-
Word Count: 340
Date Written: 14-10-17
I don't know about this.

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