|Chapter 5| Problematic

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You sighed, in all honestly you couldn't help feeling conflicted, Tate was Tate, sweet, kind, honest, devoted, romantic but he was also that Tate, off, weird in a bad way and dangerous. Conflicted, extremely and utterly conflicted but you still talked to him. You really couldn't not, he was the only person you ever felt for, you had had friends in the past but you weren't truly close with them, you always had your parents but that was a different feeling. As much as you hated to admit it you were falling for Tate.
"(Y/N)"Tate smiled as he walked through your door
You sat in your bed, music barely playing. Tate smiled as he laid beside you, he looked up at the ceiling with you, in silence, until he broke it.
"Hey, would you mind seeing me at midnight tomorrow, in the basement."
"Tate look I need to talk to you."Your Father's voice called from behind your door
Tate looked worried but he kissed your neck lightly before getting up. All that happened next was argument noises from downstairs. Tate's voice was filled with heartache as he pleaded to continue therapy with your father.

"Tate? Tate?"You whispered within the darkness
The hallways were pitch black and each noise unnerved you, you walked down to the basement, Tate had the light on and he held a black rose, middle painted red, he held it out to you, cute smile on his face as you took it.
"I thought you'd like it if I did something different to it.... to show that I care"He smiled wrapping arms around you
"It's pretty..."
"I'm so glad you liked it!"He grinned into your cheek, kissing it
You smiled, your insides screaming a fighting chorus of gleeful yes' and horror filled screams. You smiled sloping your hand down into his.
"Hey I'll see you soon alright? You gotta sleep"He chuckled kissing you on the cheek multiple times
You nodded.
"Next time we'll have even more fun~"Tate smiled

-Chapter 5-
Word count: 339
Date Written: 14-10-17

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